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1 posted on 03/23/2019 9:35:05 PM PDT by Salvation
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KEYWORDS: catholic; lent; lk13; prayer;

2 posted on 03/23/2019 9:39:02 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: Salvation
  English: Douay-Rheims Latin: Vulgata Clementina Greek NT: Byzantine/Majority Text (2000)
  Luke 13
1 AND there were present, at that very time, some that told him of the Galileans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. Aderant autem quidam ipso in tempore, nuntiantes illi de Galilæis, quorum sanguinem Pilatus miscuit cum sacrificiis eorum. παρησαν δε τινες εν αυτω τω καιρω απαγγελλοντες αυτω περι των γαλιλαιων ων το αιμα πιλατος εμιξεν μετα των θυσιων αυτων
2 And he answering, said to them: Think you that these Galileans were sinners above all the men of Galilee, because they suffered such things? Et respondens dixit illis : Putatis quod hi Galilæi præ omnibus Galilæis peccatores fuerint, quia talia passi sunt ? και αποκριθεις ο ιησους ειπεν αυτοις δοκειτε οτι οι γαλιλαιοι ουτοι αμαρτωλοι παρα παντας τους γαλιλαιους εγενοντο οτι τοιαυτα πεπονθασιν
3 No, I say to you: but unless you shall do penance, you shall all likewise perish. Non, dico vobis : sed nisi pœnitentiam habueritis, omnes similiter peribitis. ουχι λεγω υμιν αλλ εαν μη μετανοητε παντες ωσαυτως απολεισθε
4 Or those eighteen upon whom the tower fell in Siloe, and slew them: think you, that they also were debtors above all the men that dwelt in Jerusalem? Sicut illi decem et octo, supra quos cecidit turris in Siloë, et occidit eos : putatis quia et ipsi debitores fuerint præter omnes homines habitantes in Jerusalem ? η εκεινοι οι δεκα και οκτω εφ ους επεσεν ο πυργος εν τω σιλωαμ και απεκτεινεν αυτους δοκειτε οτι ουτοι οφειλεται εγενοντο παρα παντας ανθρωπους τους κατοικουντας εν ιερουσαλημ
5 No, I say to you; but except you do penance, you shall all likewise perish. Non, dico vobis : sed si pœnitentiam non egeritis, omnes similiter peribitis. ουχι λεγω υμιν αλλ εαν μη μετανοητε παντες ομοιως απολεισθε
6 He spoke also this parable: A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it, and found none. Dicebat autem et hanc similitudinem : Arborem fici habebat quidam plantatam in vinea sua, et venit quærens fructum in illa, et non invenit. ελεγεν δε ταυτην την παραβολην συκην ειχεν τις εν τω αμπελωνι αυτου πεφυτευμενην και ηλθεν ζητων καρπον εν αυτη και ουχ ευρεν
7 And he said to the dresser of the vineyard: Behold, for these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and I find none. Cut it done therefore: why cumbereth it the ground? Dixit autem ad cultorem vineæ : Ecce anni tres sunt ex quo venio quærens fructum in ficulnea hac, et non invenio : succide ergo illam : ut quid etiam terram occupat ? ειπεν δε προς τον αμπελουργον ιδου τρια ετη ερχομαι ζητων καρπον εν τη συκη ταυτη και ουχ ευρισκω εκκοψον αυτην ινα τι και την γην καταργει
8 But he answering, said to him: Lord, let it alone this year also, until I dig about it, and dung it. At ille respondens, dicit illi : Domine dimitte illam et hoc anno, usque dum fodiam circa illam, et mittam stercora, ο δε αποκριθεις λεγει αυτω κυριε αφες αυτην και τουτο το ετος εως οτου σκαψω περι αυτην και βαλω κοπρια
9 And if happily it bear fruit: but if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down. et siquidem fecerit fructum : sin autem, in futurum succides eam. καν μεν ποιηση καρπον ει δε μηγε εις το μελλον εκκοψεις αυτην

8 posted on 03/24/2019 9:41:08 AM PDT by annalex (fear them not)
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