“These cycles of abuse tend to repeat themselves with each generation.”
My parents and my wife’s parents always tried their best to keep things equal when it came to gifts and stuff. So that has been passed down to our kids.
When they were little we would whisper to one of them “Don’t tell anybody - but you’re my favorite.” But loud enough so the other kids could hear, and with a wink. They all “got it”. And when they were very little the next one would come over and say “Okay - say it to me now daddy!”
Now that they are older they don’t always get it, and that we are trying our best.
If cycles of abuse repeat themselves, the same is true of love, respect, discipline, balance, stability...all the things we want of our children. Despite all the human race has been through, there are still a lot of good people here.
Unfortunately, I’m an only child and I don’t have any children so it looks like my familial cycles, good or bad, stop with me. :(