(a) ordinary expositional teaching or evangelidtic preaching is not for the church audience today; nor is
(b) translation of what a, say, Russian-only speaker is saying for the benefit of a Spanish-speaking audience hy an interpreter who is expert in both languages is not for the church today.
Is that what you have understood me to be holding to?
But for sure, in Post #239 you are projecting words back to me (and others) that I did not say, that are not quotations taken from one or more of my comments, and that is deliberately and falsely attributing to me positions that I have not taken.
Repeatedly, you have used the device of purposely crediting others with attitudes and doctrines that they do not hold and words that they did not say. You are going to have to stop this or be reported for using methods of debating contrary to the stated rules for the conduct of this forum.
Shaking off the dust now.