I’ve already told Beau that THIS is how it’s going to play out:
I’m going to eat what I want and drink my Dirty Martinis on Friday Nights and pretty much laze around (AFTER Farm Chores!) until I’m 70.
THEN - I’m going to suffer a heart attack or a stroke, which I (miraculously) survive.
THEN - I’m going to be one of those Grannies that runs Marathons and Climbs Mountains and Swims the English Channel...and he’d BETTER be able to keep up with me!
Plan the WORK, then work the PLAN, Baby! ;)
I couldn’t come up with a better plan if I actually planned things! :)
I like your plan....
I died first, at age 32. Went to Heaven, met Jesus and experienced the Divine Bliss of God. Then returned to this darn body and experienced the illusion of being separate from God again. I hate it here in this physical body!