Is there a synopsis of this situation somewhere online you'd recommend? This non-catholic would really like to get up to speed on what is going on here, especially if it as serious as you believe. In all thanks in advance.
Hey - nevermind. Google is my friend. Haven’t really paid much attention to what is going on inside the CC, but it is fascinating to me for some reason. Some interesting reading about Amoris Laetitia.
I’m not a Catholic, so A, take my synopsis with a grain of salt, and B, expect a real Catholic to correct my post pretty quickly.
From what I’ve gathered, Francis is in the midst of taking the Catholic Church into a sharp left turn. He put out a papal exhortation about family life called The Joy of Love. It contained a footnote that appeared to say the secularly divorced can take communion. That’s a pretty major shift.
Four conservative Cardinals formally asked Francis to clarify his document. He was supposed to give them a respectful, timely and edifying reply, but (figuratively speaking) he gave them the middle finger instead.
Now, as his papal document continues to sow questions and chaos, he’s clearing out other Cardinals who would be considered conservative, and replacing them with comrades—i.e.: Cardinals who approve of his Leftist shift. I gather that Muller was a conservative overall, and he’s been added to the group Francis has sidelined.
For traditional Catholics, this is a crisis. The Pope is supposed to preserve and champion the faith, not remake it in his image. Nerves are understandably on edge.
Those are my impressions, anyway. As I said, look for a real Catholic to set us both straight if necessary.