“Florence Nightingale syndrome can happen to men to even though it sounds fruity.”
It’s not. With men it’s usually called “knight in shining armor” syndrome.
I was fortunate (whew!) in that all of the crazy ones weren’t interested in being rescued by me, and went on to “enrich” other guys’ lives.
The ones that would actually have been good catches I wasn’t interested in at the time.
That, in a nutshell, is why I’m still single.
Better single than in hell!!!
I KNOW my life would have been a living hell with that gal.
I’m a blunt man. I love my wife but she is Very In Love with me. God only knows why. I’m a disaster. On too many levels to count :)
But she has had a had life before we met and I did the knight thing with her and though she’s nuts, she’s a very kind hearted nut and treats me great.
The age old question of marrying when you love someone or ONLY when you are IN LOVE with someone I cannot answer.
Would the endorphin high of the other girl offset the horrific nightmare she would have put me through? Who knows? But i think not.