Marriage is a life experience that you experience everyday. I am not married nor do I intend to. I love my career and am devoted to it. C/A’ have gone through simulators as part of what’s called Crew Resource Management. They learn what pilots have to go through to better understand what is happening. It’s all part of the flying experience but they never get to actually fly the plane; just like in marriage there are trials and expectations. Using the analogy of a doctor of psychology not experiencing what his or her patient is going through does not qualify him or her to treat them the same way our group was talking about someone who is not married being able to talk about marriage and how to live as two. Anyway, the post was not meant to be disparaging. R/Janey
Hands on experience is the best teacher. Paul’s missionary calling (almost deadly at times) was clearly best for an unmarried man. But by God’s wisdom, he was able to instruct those that were not sent ‘to the front’ as he was.
But, I most certainly appreciate your polite response.
You just broke my heart! I had such high hopes for a proposal ... wink wink