In the 21st Century, one would think that each parish would have a computerized list of all people not able to get to church because of transport problems. In 1980`s we took up a collection, bought a small bus and was able to pick up every parishioner we knew who had no other transport to Mass.
My mother, 93, got regular envelopes and letters asking for collections, bishop`s appeal, school funds, etc., donations to the church, but never once did anyone inquire how she was, if she needed a ride or the sacraments, not even the pastor who appears not to even know how many seniors there are in his parish nor their situations. It`s a sad case of sloth and hypocrisy for many parishes whose lack of priestly leadership is disgraceful because the shepherd doesn`t even know his sheep...
And with more parishes linking/clustering, or even closing, it is only going to get worse.
Seems to me that the parish might be the one with the obligation here. A elderly parishoner in need of assistance...and none inquire?
I once heard a sermon about the call to do for the ‘least of these.’ It was explained that, that sermon Jesus gave actually had little to do with serving the poor etc. It had more to do with how we serve each other. This poor senior is asking about TV Mass ‘counting,’ when he really is asking about the Bread of Life. He is asking for the cup of living water...and who is called to care for the least of these ....we are.