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Peace Like a River

Dr. Mark Giszczak

July 3, 2016
First Reading: Isaiah 66:10-14c

Most of life is a struggle and so most of our art and literature is about that struggle. No story is any good unless there’s some tension, an antagonist, some trouble that needs to be resolved. Yet we long for the end of the struggle, the end of all the stories, the end of the one Story writ large. That end, we hope, will be filled with joy—a joy unable to be grasped now, a joy beyond our experience, a joy that consumes all the struggles, all the pain, when “God will wipe away every tear from their eyes” (Rev 7:17 RSV). That ultimate joy is mostly unfathomable, a thing cloaked in mystery or fogged up by our experience of the trials of life. However, every once in a while, we get a glimpse of it, what the experience of God’s presence, of permanent happiness, of total bliss will really be like.

Isaiah Prepares Us for Jerusalem

This Sunday’s first reading from Isaiah gives us such glimpse. The passage comes from the very last chapter of the long book. All of Isaiah’s prophecies have, in some way, been preparing for this moment. He has warned the people against idolatry, predicting God’s judgment. Yet he also has spoken words of encouragement to the exiled people and predicted their glorious return to the Holy Land. His prophecies of literal return to the land overlap with broader concerns about the final direction of history. The literal Jerusalem and the ideal, heavenly Jerusalem weave in and out from one another. While on the one hand, Isaiah is looking forward to a time of literal political restoration after the Babylonian exile of the Jews. On the other hand, he is looking farther into the future of humanity and God’s relationship with his people.

The Climax of Worship

In the immediate context of Isaiah 66, we find a focus on worship. “Thus says the LORD: ‘Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool; what is the house which you would build for me, and what is the place of my rest?’” (Isa 66:1 RSV) This opening line sets the tone for the chapter. God’s relationship with his people is centered on worship and so their restoration after the exile culminates in worship, in the building of the literal Temple and the resumption of sacrifices in it. However, here we see a much broader perspective too. God does not dwell on earth, but in heaven. Earth has a lower function, only as his “footstool.” Yet Jerusalem takes on a special role as the nexus between heaven and earth. If you want to be in touch with God, then you must go to Jerusalem.

Jerusalem, Our Mother

Jerusalem, in our reading, is depicted as a mother. The prophet invites us to rejoice at her restoration (66:10). Everyone who had mourned her destruction is now called to celebrate her rebuilding. Not only that, but the prophet calls all her devotees to be like babies in the arms of their spiritual mother, Jerusalem. If you’ve had children, you know there’s nothing more satisfied or happy than a little baby nursing at its mother’s breast. Isaiah uses this image to show how fully delighted all of God’s faithful people will be with the restoration of Jerusalem (66:11). All their hopes will be realized, to the point that they will feel like babies being carried around by their mom (66:12). In this context, Jerusalem’s motherhood is totally joyful—she gives birth before going into labor! (66:7) Mother Jerusalem gives birth to a new nation, a renewed people of God, righteous and holy. Her tender relationship with her children expresses the renewal of God’s relationship with his people. While we might not have a deep relationship with the literal city of Jerusalem, we are called to attend to the Heavenly Jerusalem (see Rev 21:2). And while we might never visit the earthly Jerusalem, we are present there at Calvary at every Mass.

Comfort, Comfort, Comfort

In Isa 66:13, the prophet expresses three times how the people will be “comforted.” This keyword, naham, had shown up in the very first line of the second major portion of Isaiah, the Book of Comfort (in Isa 40:1). Here Isaiah 66, the prophet emphasizes repeatedly how his promise of comfort will come to fulfillment in the restored Jerusalem. We might not think of “comfort” as an important part of our spiritual life, but it might be better to think of it as encouragement, embodied in the Greek term parakaleo which translates the Hebrew, naham. For example, St. Paul encourages us regarding the “God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God” (2 Cor 1:4 RSV, emphasis added). God wants us to be encouraged by his saving power and in turn to encourage others, even in the midst of persecution.

Peace Like a River

Lastly, Isaiah promises that Jerusalem will experience “peace (shalom) like a river” (Isa 66:12, my trans.), meaning that the city will no longer by overrun by wars with foreign powers. Beyond that, “the wealth of the nations” will flow to Jerusalem (66:12). This would change the regular flow of tribute taxes, where the small nation of Judah would routinely send large sums of money to overlord nations. Now, Isaiah predicts, Jerusalem will actually receive tribute from other nations. This is all part of his larger vision of God’s victory, where in the end, people from all over the world will stream towards Jerusalem to worship (66:18-20). We can see this prophecy coming to fulfillment as people from around the world turn their hearts to the Lord and worship him at the altar.

Throughout this passage, Isaiah points to a day that we long for, when all of the troubles of life are washed away and we finally come into the embrace of God for all eternity. Isaiah’s invitation to worship is the other side of the coin of his earlier warnings against idolatry. Only by rejoicing in what God rejoices in and finding our consolation in his presence can we experience the encouragement and the peace that he longs to give to us. We are blessed to be counted among those who stream towards Jerusalem, bringing our tribute to the King and resting in the arms of our Mother. While no depiction of that ultimate joy can fully fill out the picture for us, Isaiah lets us see just a little of what it will be like to see God face to face and rest in his eternal embrace.

43 posted on 07/03/2016 9:08:31 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: Salvation

Scripture Speaks: Ready for the Harvest

Gayle Somers

Jesus sends out seventy-two disciples on a missionary journey, granting them significant spiritual authority. Wasn’t that risky?

Gospel (Read Lk 10:1-12, 17-20)

As Jesus traveled to Jerusalem from Galilee for the last time, St. Luke tells us He commissioned seventy-two disciples “whom He sent ahead of Him in pairs to every town and place He intended to visit.” In His reliance on others to help Him proclaim the kingdom of God, He reminds us of Moses, who commissioned seventy elders to be prophets in Israel during the Exodus (see Num 11:24-25). The Sanhedrin, with its seventy-one elders, modeled itself after this leadership structure. Why seventy? In Genesis, we find that there were seventy nations that formed the foundation of the ancient world. The ministry of approximately seventy disciples, therefore, anticipates a worldwide spread of the Gospel.

Jesus sees the readiness of the “harvest” of God’s people. The world’s long anticipation of Someone to come save it was now being fulfilled. Jesus speaks of the timing as entirely within God’s Providence. Although the “harvest” is “abundant,” it is God Who will choose and send the laborers to reap it. All that led up to the Incarnation in the history of the world, and all that follows from it is in God’s hands.

Jesus gives specific instructions to the disciples. This is to be a brief expedition, because Jesus Himself will follow after their visits. No need to pack and prepare for a long stay. Because of its brevity and urgency, announcing the arrival of Jesus, they must avoid all distractions (“greet no one along the way”). They are to accept the hospitality of those to whom they are sent (“the laborer deserves his payment”). This is the principle, often repeated in the New Testament (see 1 Cor 9:14; 1 Tim 5:18), that those working in the service of the Gospel are to be supported by the beneficiaries of that service. The Church, therefore, following this instruction, obligates her members to contribute to the Church from their earnings (see CCC 2043, 2122). We give our tithes not because the priest asks it of us, but because Jesus does.

The disciples are to cure the sick and to preach the coming of God’s kingdom. Those who do not receive them are to receive a warning. Jews were familiar with this action of shaking dust off their shoes. They did it whenever they traveled into Gentile territory and then returned to the Holy Land. It was a sign that they wanted to separate themselves from the uncleanness of the pagans, who lived outside God’s covenant. For the disciples to use this gesture against Jewish towns that refused to receive them or Jesus would be a strong statement indeed, because it would suggest that the covenant people of God, by this rejection, were actually rejecting that covenant. Stiff medicine!

When the seventy-two returned from their work, what did they first want to tell Jesus? “Lord, even the demons are subject to us because of Your Name.” Ah, yes. Might we have expected this? And isn’t this why it was risky for Jesus, then and now, to build His Church through human beings? The disciples returned with heady excitement over the authority they were able to exercise. It can be intoxicating to have power like this. Jesus acknowledges that His kingdom makes advances against the forces of Satan through the laborers in His Church. However, He warns them not to “rejoice because the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice because your names are written in heaven.” It will not be apostolic success that matters eternally; it will be the obedience that comes from faith that will write our names (and keep them) in the heavenly “book of life” (see Ex 32:32; Ps 69:28; Dan 12:1; Rev 3:5). Jesus was willing to take the risks that come with building a human Church, sharing His authority and power with mere men. What a remarkable statement of God’s love for the creatures made in His image and likeness. May He give us grace to walk worthy of it.

Possible response: Lord Jesus, help me stay focused on doing what You ask of me, not on the outcome.

First Reading (Read Isa 66:10-14c)

This reading comes from a portion of Isaiah’s prophecy in which he foretells a great restoration of Jerusalem, home to God’s covenant people. This would come after its utter devastation from Babylonian conquest, punishment for sin. Jerusalem will be a place of delight, abundance, comfort, and joy. When was this fulfilled? It began to be fulfilled in our Gospel reading, when Jesus sent His disciples out to cure the sick and preach about the coming of Jesus. That was a time when “the Lord’s power shall be known to His servants.” The prophecy continues to be fulfilled not in the earthly, geographic city of modern-day Jerusalem but in the worldwide Church, the kingdom of God’s covenant people that stretches over all the earth. This kingdom pushes back and defeats Satan wherever it flourishes; its members are safe and blessed as a child in his mother’s arms. Not for nothing do we call the Church our “Mother.”

Possible response: Heavenly Father, thank You for keeping Your promise to restore and renew a home for Your people, all the way from the Garden of Eden and into eternity.

Psalm (Read Ps 66:1-7, 16, 20)

When we work through our lectionary readings, we certainly have cause for joy, don’t we? If we comprehend how momentous it is that Jesus came to fulfill God’s promises of old and to build a secure kingdom that will stretch into eternity, we will want to join the psalmist and say, “Come and see the works of God, His tremendous deeds among the children of Adam.” That is precisely what the seventy-two disciples experienced on their thrilling missionary journey. Understanding this, we are quite ready to sing: “Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.”

Possible response: The psalm is, itself, a response to our other readings. Read it again prayerfully to make it your own.

Second Reading (Read Gal 6:14-18)

St. Paul shows us, from the inside, what it is like when men called by God to preach the Gospel live their vocation in the right way. His “boasting” was not about himself and his authority. His only boast was that, through the Cross, “the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” St. Paul didn’t care about success as men measure it. He did not care about the “rules” of religion only for their own sake. He knew that what matters is being “a new creation” in Christ, living in faithful obedience to the Lord. The Galatian Christians had come under the influence of critics of St. Paul, who tried to convince them they must keep the ordinances of the Old Covenant, like circumcision, in order to be saved. About them he says, “Let no one make troubles for me; for I bear the marks of Jesus on my body.” In that day, slaves were “marked” to show possession by their owners. St. Paul’s many physical persecutions had left “marks” on him. They were living proof of his slavery to the Lord—just the kind of life we would expect of a name written in heaven.

Possible response: St. Paul, pray for us to live as you did—slaves of Christ, new creations in Him.

44 posted on 07/03/2016 9:13:03 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: Salvation

Finally I got this picture to load to go with #43

45 posted on 07/03/2016 9:16:38 PM PDT by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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