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The Final Form of The Roman Empire...Europe pt 6 ^ | 06-29-16 | Bill Randles

Posted on 06/29/2016 2:32:25 PM PDT by pastorbillrandles

And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise. And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters’ clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.(Daniel 2:40-43)

Amazing events of prophetic import have been occurring in Europe lately, as we see swelling multitudes of refugees and opportunists disembark in the millions in Greece, Italy, Spain, and any other possible port of entry into the European community, at the invitation of Angela Merkel.

These teeming crowds of mostly military aged young Muslim men, have come to participate in the generous welfare benefits offered by the socialistic European governments.Many of them have bypassed the initial European countries, in favor of the more generous benefits, (“Salaries” as one Immigrant called it) doled out in Germany and Sweden.

It turns out they have come in part, for other more ulterior motives, for the religion of Islam has a doctrine called the Hijra, which teaches that the best way for Islam to spread throughout the earth is by immigration into “Kafir” nations.

How important is immigration to Islam? The year “one” in Ilamic thought, is not the year of Mohammed’s birth, or even of his “vision”. It is the year of Mohammed’s Hijra, or immigration, from Mecca, where he was rejected as a prophet and even driven out of town, to Yathrib, an Arabian Jewish settlement which welcomed him but did not receive his preaching.

Mohammed signed a ten year treaty with each of the three Jewish tribes, but within three years, he broke the treaty, with each of them, when He grew strong enough, and slaughtered all of the men of those tribes and sold their wives and children into slavery!

I contend that this influx of non assimilable Muslims, willing to take welfare checks*, is the clay mixing with the iron, fatally weakening the European peoples, at this near final phase of the last gentile Empire to rule over God’s people Israel.

There is no doubt that the European Union is an antisemitic, non democratic, and even anti-Christian superstate entity.

We rejoice that in the recent BREXIT elections the British people spoke for untold millions of other western peoples throughout the world, that they reject this globalistic nonsense which has wreaked so much damage and destruction to formerly successful civilizations, by their sick multicultural policies, bringing in the floods of pliable and illiterate immigrants to civilized modern societies, knowing full well of the crime, rape robbery and havoc they bring with them.

That which was recently iron, (relatively strong societies),have been mixed with clay, by the Kings of the earth and their leaders. Perhaps they did this to counter the dearth of natural births in their nations due to the sexual revolution with its twisted offspring, abortion/birthcontrol, and homosexuality. But why bring in incompatible and intransigent people?

I think they did it that they might strip every last vestige of Christianity from the west.

The European Union may well fall apart, as those left on the sinking ship, the HMS European Union, clamor for national referendums of their own. It is morphing into something else, before our eyes.

We don’t know the particulars, but we do know some of the details of the last incarnation of the Roman Empire, for both Daniel and the Apostle John saw visions of it and warned us.

The dream revealed by God to a pagan prophet, Nebuchadnezzar, was of the statue of a man. Paganism is humanism, so it is fitting that the last image of the combined pagan, antiGod enterprise, would be a tremendous statue of a man! The final stage of the statue reveals ten toes. In some way the final phase of the Roman Empire of anti-Christ will have ten specific parts to it.

The Most High revealed the same truth to Daniel, but from another vantage point. A humanistic, pagan King would see the pagan enterprise in a man-centered way, so God showed him the statue of a man.

But a Hebrew prophet would see the same reality from a God centered perspective, so God showed him the pagan enterprise as a series of voracious beasts. The nations of the world , especially in Empire, are fierce beasts.

Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end.(Daniel 7:23-26)

In this case the ten toes are revealed as ten Horns, or powers. These horns are ten Kings Shortly afterwards, another King shall rise among them, and turn and supplant three of the original Kings.

This “other King”shall be remarkable for his bold words; his open blasphemy, and his pronouncements against God, and the Holy people of God. The Apostle John also saw this development. He saw a Beast with “ten horns”, but only seven heads.He also saw a “beast” speaking arrogantly, against the Most High,

And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If any man have an ear, let him hear. (Revelation 13:5-9)

His reign is short lived, 42 months, or 3 and a half years, or one thousand two hundred and sixty days. Watch for this, it means the end is very close…are you ready?

*(We in the West call it charity, but Muslims call it Jizya; a tax Kafirs are supposed to pay to Muslims for the privilege of living),

TOPICS: Charismatic Christian; Evangelical Christian; Theology; Worship
KEYWORDS: antichrist; brexit; endtimes; europeanunion
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To: EliRoom8

quote-And for someone to call the Pope the AntiChrist is akin to conservatives calling Obama the AntiChrist. There was really no support for that viewpoint.

The Antichrist is going to come out of the 4th Beast/Kingdom of Daniel-

Anti- Strongs 473- instead of, in return for, over against, opposite, in exchange for, as a substitute for, (b) on my behalf, (c) wherefore, because.

I know I was never introduced to the meanings ‘instead of’ or ‘in exchange for’ or ‘as a substitute for’ for ANTI until I read it in a Concordance.

The word Anti that we use for Anti-Smoking or Anti-Choice, isn’t the only definition history and research shows for that word.

an ‘instead of’ Christ
an ‘in exchange for’ Christ
an ‘substitute for’ Christ

With that understanding of the word ‘Anti’ in a historical way, the 1st Reformers calling the Papacy the ‘seat of ‘instead of Christ’ or ‘in exchange for Christ’ or ‘a substitute for’ Christ doesn’t sound too far fetched at all.

and then add in they would have called the Pope Gregory calendar the ‘instead of Christ’,’in exchange for’ Christ, an ‘substitute for Christ’ calendar if it was around back then-

that seems to be an ‘us’ problem- not a ‘them’ problem.

And without Ezekiel 46:1, we wouldn’t know how Rome has changed times, to where people of faith can test and prove all things- especially something named after what the 1st Protestant Reformers called the ‘instead of Christ’ or ‘in exchange for’ Christ- if we accept some of the definitions of ‘Anti’ in the concordances I have seen.

Not too shabby for men without smart phones or computers.

21 posted on 07/01/2016 5:54:06 AM PDT by delchiante
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To: EliRoom8
John 6:40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.

Seems plain enough? Unless there is more than one "last day".

I urge you to read Rev 16:12-15 for the timing of the "thief in the night". It's plain enough, when read in it's context, San Jose merchants notwithstanding. It is perilous use cute analogies to explain away the plain, obvious reading of scripture, lest one be guilty of adding to or taking away from the words of prophecy.

Don't you find it odd that Matt 24 nor all of Revelation has no mention whatsoever of a pre-trib rapture? And every rapture passage that has timing cues has it at the end? (last trump, last day, immediately after, etc.)

22 posted on 07/02/2016 7:15:51 AM PDT by jimmyray (there is no problem so bad that you can't make it worse)
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To: jimmyray

>>It is perilous use cute analogies to explain away the plain, obvious reading of scripture, lest one be guilty of adding to or taking away from the words of prophecy.<<
No one was trying to be cute; just illustrative so I wouldn’t be quick to judge.

23 posted on 07/05/2016 1:40:27 AM PDT by EliRoom8
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To: delchiante

I would agree with those who say that the popes were antichrists (I John 2:18). But not THE antichrist referred to by Daniel.

24 posted on 07/05/2016 1:55:02 AM PDT by EliRoom8
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To: EliRoom8

Rome has a different set of 10 Commandments (so they have changed ‘laws’) and one bible verse shows how Rome has changed ‘times’.

Peple are believing there is going to be something coming out of the Roman empire that’s going to change what Rome has already changed.

Because people don’t realize Rome has changed times is why they are still waiting for something to happen. But the times have already changed- and Rome already has another 10 Commandments that they use.

They have check marks already next to Daniel 7:25.
Not some future time- but right now- And it isn’t at a tip of a sword- but willingly followed.

Rome changing time isn’t as easy to see as to how they changed ‘laws’ - but side by side next to the Commandments in the Word, it’s easy to see Rome has changed the order.

And it’s an interesting piece because in Revelation 13, that is exactly what is happening in the world-
the breaking of His Commandments-

-worship the beast- the breaking of the 1st Commandment
-worship the image- the breaking of the 2nd Commandment(this is the one Rome deletes or hides)
-blaspheme His name- the breaking of the 3rd Commandment
-mark of the beast on the forehead or hand-
Same place Israel was to bind His Commandments (Deuteronomy 6:8)

That is why also why the Patience of the Saints in the next chapter, Revelation 14:12, is ‘keeping the Commandments of God’ and faith of Jesus.

When antichrists change times, they change the way people are to worship the Creator.
And the angel warning in Revelation 14:7 is to worship Him who made heaven and earth and fountains of water confirms this.

Who gets the honor on Rome’s calendar? The false God Tiw today. Tomorrow it’s the false god Woden’s Day, then Thor gets his day, etc.

It’s why The Father numbered His days on His Calendar. (teach us to number our days so that we may attain a heart of wisdom- Psalm 90:12)

When the enemy changes times, the enemy ascends to the mount of congregation, desiring to be worshipped.
when the enemy changes laws, the enemy seeks to continue his lawlessness and perdition.

The enemy has already changed times and laws. And the enemy has used the Roman vessel to do it- Which is what Daniel predicts.
If there is going to be another thing out of the Roman empire that will change laws again, and have the world working and worshipping from another Roman calendar, then I would certainly pay attention to it-
But those things have already come to pass.

If today is Tiw’s day July 5th, which it is to most of the world, they won’t be able to see how times have changed. It hasn’t changed in our lifetimes but we are but a breath here.

Thankfully we have His Word to test and prove everything. And tomorrow is Wodens’ Day , July 6th on the Pope’s calendar-

Tomorrow is a different day in the Kingdom. And it’s a day, because Rome is a sun worshipping power, it ignores.

And that one day can unlock wisdom, knowledge and understanding, that could go so far as to say that Rome has not only changed times and laws, but has created another Jesus and another gospel because of them changing times.

It is a humbling journey, but a blessed one. And most are okay with Rome telling them when to work and worship.

The Creator and Redeemer has a completely different way that He taught Israel to work and worship. And it points to Him. Only He gets the glory!

And btw, Judaism doesn’t do it today, either. They, Muslims and Christians all give Rome the authority to tell them when to work to worship.
And every religion and every group can do what is right in their own eyes and have their own ‘days’.

That is power and authority that has not been given to Rome.
But she has taken and run with it.
She controls the premise that today is Tiw’s Day. and most accept that premise.

When one stops conforming to the world(Romans 12:2) and stops accepting that premise that Rome sells, our minds can be transformed by the renewing of our mind. And we can discern what is good, acceptable, and pefect will of God.

And it would change the way people read His Word from here on out and change the way people see this world-
With new eyes that only He gives.

25 posted on 07/05/2016 7:37:36 AM PDT by delchiante
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To: delchiante

Obviously, you’ve put in a lot of study into the shortcomings of Rome and the Catholic Church. But I am having trouble clearly understanding your premise. Do you think the institution of the Catholic Church is the AntiChrist?
I believe that apostate Catholicism will unite with apostate Protestantism to form a false church, sometimes referred to as Mystery Babylon. For the first half of the Tribulation the gentile AntiChrist will use it as a support system.
What you might be describing is “prepping the battlefield” or “setting the stage” for Mystery Babylon to eventually emerge after the pre-Tribulational rapture of the Church.
It’s good to see you taking these end times issues seriously and without casting insults at others.

26 posted on 07/05/2016 10:19:55 PM PDT by EliRoom8
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To: pastorbillrandles

You’re wrong

1. The Roman Empire was continuous from around 400 BC to 1453 AD

2. What we call the “byzantine empire” called itself and was called by outsiders as the Roman Empire. They called themselves Romans and were a continuation of the Empire

3. The ‘Holy Roman Empire’ was neither Roman, nor Holy nor an Empire but a gaggling confederation that died in 1806. It wasn’t a continuation of the Roman Empire.

4. Daniel spoke of the 4 empires of Babylonia (Gold, lion), Persia (Silver, bear), Macedonia (Bronze, Leopard) and Rome (Iron moving to Iron-mud) - the last was shattered by a stone, uncut by human hand that became a mountain that covered the entire world.

That uncunt stone was Jesus Christ and the mountain was/is Christianity since the 1st century.

the 42 months is the 3.5 years of the Jewish-Roman war that culminated in the destruction of Jerusalem, which was burned to the ground (the western wall is not the wall of the temple but of the embankment around it), and where the Christians ran to the mountain town of Pella to stay alive.

27 posted on 09/10/2019 1:37:59 AM PDT by Cronos (Re-elect President Trump 2020!)
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