Father, You are good and we speak to our souls and say, "Bless the Lord and all that is within me, bless His holy name."
We who have put our trust in You lean on the sure foundation of Your Word. We know that You are able and willing to bring salvation to our enemies. We pray that You would cause Your Word to have free course throughout every burg and city in our Nation and among every member of our Armed Forces. Send out an army of laborers filled and motivated by the anointing described in Is. 61 and confirmed for us in Mark 16. Enlighten the eyes of the understanding to everyone in our borders who mean us ill will. Show them Your goodness and grace so that each one can turn from his wicked ways. Until then, we ask You for protection. Guns can fail to work, enemies can turn on each other, armed patriots can be at the right place at the right time. Your ways are infinite. We give You thanks for each saved life.
We ask You for wise and godly leaders to quickly rise up with Your favor and anointing and to remove from power those who are working against us. We pray for Your Spirit's work in bringing them to a knowledge of Your saving grace, but put an immediate halt to their destructive actions we pray.
For the members of our Armed Forces, firemen, policemen and sheriffs, we pray for Your strategies and Your angelic protection. We give You thanks for each one.
We believe You are a God of unmerited favor, and thank You for answering the prayers of Your saints in the name of Jesus, we say amen.
A call to prayer for an army of believers to go forth in the power of the Holy Spirit in our Nation and among our defenders of freedom.
Amen to your Beautiful, Heaven-Enabled Prayer, Dear Servant of our King.
Praying with you in 100% Agreement.