I once knew a woman who, at 16, moved in with her first pimp and began a life as a prostitute. Not surprisingly, she chose adultery (and continued prostitution) throughout her marriage. She is, without a doubt, burning in hell...and deservedly so.
The point, sometimes evil people never change.
This sick whacko insisted that a minor who was being statutorily raped by adults who paid some guy who had her under his thumb was not an under age kid being preyed upon sexually, but was instead a prostitute making her own way.
Oh how he lambasted this young girl for the situation she was in. Guess he was so much better because no men ever did that to him.
There is no indication at all that the sick pervert tried all any time to bring what was being done to this young minor to the authorities. Probably she should burn in hell because she didn't pull herself out of that life on her own (and if she ever did, well, she had had sex and somebody got paid) even though in the bible Tamar, Gomer, and Rahab had been prostitutes. Come to think of it, in the book of Genesis Judah admits outright that his part in the transaction was more unrighteous than Tamar's part.
Yes, we have become a sick, immoral society.
Smug about it, too.
16? Wouldn’t that be rape by the pimp and all the young girl’s “clients”? I wouldn’t be so sure she’s burning in hell. She may have repented before hand.
Just about all of us deserve hell for something.
She may have gotten saved since then. Stranger things have happened.
It is true that adultery/prostitution are damnable sins. Yet in this woman's individual case, you don't know whether she repented on the last day, in the last hour, at the last moment, or how God sees her individual soul. Burning in hell? You don't know this for a fact. What presumption.
Our role is not to render a verdict which it is not ours to give, but to pray for her.
Would you like God to judge you as you judged that woman?
Scripture does address that as we judge, we are judged.