10th Week in Ordinary Time
Blessed are you. (Matthew 5:11)
The Beatitudes are Jesus’ explanation of what it is to be well-off spiritually: to know God’s grace and protection and to feel his blessing, even despite what you are experiencing in life. “Blessed” means happy, or fortunate, and Jesus meant it. He is saying,
“Happy are you who are poor in spirit, you who recognize that life, even all the world’s riches, is not enough. God has so much more for you, and so you can raise your heart and soul heavenward, and cry, ‘Abba, Father, I need you!’ Blessed are you who know that my Father delights in answering that prayer. It pleases him to give you the kingdom.
“Happy are you who mourn. Your heart is like my Father’s. He saw the men and women he created, the apple of his eye, turn from him. He saw the darkness that crept in because of their sin, and he mourned over the way that darkness obscured the light he made. He mourned, too, as he watched me, his only Son, die in agony. My Father knows what it is to mourn, and he will comfort you. He will never abandon or forsake you.”
“Happy are you who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for that hunger reveals a desire for me! I am your righteousness, and when you seek me, you will find me. I gave my life for you so that you could find me. I died so that you could live in holiness before my Father. Day after day, I send you my Holy Spirit to lead you in all righteousness.”
We can experience this happiness because God has made our hearts like his; he has set eternity in them. Because our hearts are made in the image of his heart, we also can become as he is: merciful, peaceful, pure, meek, humble, and gentle. He can satisfy us as no one else can—and he delights in doing it! Think about that. It makes God happy to make you happy! He is happy to bestow on you the riches of his kingdom. He is happy to comfort you. He is happy to bring you to maturity as you take on his very nature!
“All praise to you, Father! When I seek you, I know I will find you. Should I mourn, you will comfort me. You will satisfy my longing for righteousness. Happy am I indeed!”
2 Corinthians 1:1-7
Psalm 34:2-9
Daily Marriage Tip for June 9, 2015:
There are different forms of service but the same Lord. (1 Cor. 12:5) Equality doesnt mean sameness. As men and women, we are equal, but have unique talents and personalities. How do your spouses gifts serve your family and the community?