March 5, 2015
In the first reading, we are told to trust in God and not to trust in man. Why should we not trust in man? Because all men are fallible, weak and incapable of giving us the help which only God can give. From God comes all graces. Man can give us support and help, but if we turn away from God and rely on human efforts alone, we will realize that they are not enough to solve serious problems.
The Gospel reading is the story of the rich man and Lazarus. When they died, the rich man went to hell while Lazarus, who used to eat the scraps from the rich man’s table, went up to heaven. All men will be judged after death on their actions done when they were still alive. A lifetime of suffering and goodness may be rewarded with an eternity of heavenly bliss. A lifetime of comfort and selfishness may be punished with everlasting torment. It is not enough to fear hell, but what we must do is to desire heaven. So let us devote ourselves to good works and religious devotion now while there is time. Let us welcome sufferings for love of God and strive to bring other men to the knowledge of God’s heavenly kingdom.
Language: English | Español
All Issues > Volume 31, Issue 2