Watch Christian TV: Very Rare
Christian radio: Never
Podcast: Sometimes
Christian television - rarely, but only to make fun
Christian radio - rarely (20 years ago I listened daily)
Podcast - daily, presuming downloaded programs and YouTube videos are considered podcasts
Watch Christian TV: Very Rare
Christian radio: Never
Podcast: Sometimes
No Tee Vee, ever.
Christian Radio, only if the wife has something on when I get home.
I have plenty of podcasts that I follow.
Christian TV tends toward the sensationalist, the overdone, the heavily made up, or the slick. So, I watch Christian TV when I’m in the mood for those things. I will listen to Christian music on the radio or on satellite TV.
never watch Christian TV..a huge waste of time
Christian radio?? When I am in the car during the day ..usually Christian music stations
Pod casts ? yea sometimes.. certain pastors I like I will listen