Thats about it..They mock salvation by faith alone... and then they swallow everything Rome says by “faith alone”. Like the Mormons and the JW’s their prophet has the entire truth..
So does the Bible. That has to count for something if the Bible is the sole rule of faith, right?
You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone. --James 2:24The phrase, "faith alone," is mentioned once in the Bible, and James 2:24 is it.
We also mock Luther's tradition of Sola Scriptura because it's not taught by the Church nor contained in the Bible. The Bible tells us to reject false human traditions like "faith alone" and "Scripture alone."
"Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down." --Mark 7:13
You should "listen to the church," as Christ commands, because it is "the pillar and foundation of truth," as St. Paul tells us.
The two as dissimilar in that one refers to resting upon Christ to save us by His sinless blood, while the other refers to trusting Rome cannot err, yet which leads to confidence in one's own merits and the powers of Rome to save.
And they also avoid following the premise of the necessity of ensured perpetual magisterial veracity for assurance of Truth to its logical conclusion.