Just out of curiosity, who was the last real Prophet of the Lord, as you understand it?
Have there been any or did all of that stop with Jesus' death?
When God speaks to His people through His prophets, they are to obey the word of the Lord and are accountable to Him. This was why the Lord was so strict with those who claimed to be speaking for Him and who might lead His people astray. That was one of the ways a false prophet could be exposed if he tried to turn people away from the true God to false gods. No matter what a so-called prophet said, he was to be shunned, and even killed, if he tried to lure people away from God and if what they claimed would come to pass did not come to pass. See, that was one of the signs of a true prophet.
The Lord speaking through Isaiah, told His people why he would send them prophets:
A false prophet would be exposed as false when he declared future events and they did not happen. Demonic beings have power, but they cannot foretell the future.
I believe the last genuine prophet of the Lord was the Apostle John and his Revelation was the last of the divinely-inspired books. God's prophets were always told to write down what God spoke to them so that we have the sacred Scripture by which all truth claims concerning the faith can be measured. If someone comes along and claims to be a prophet of the Lord, they have a very high bar to reach. I do not believe there still are "Prophets of the Lord" as the Bible is the "whole counsel of God" to us and the Holy Spirit illuminates the truths to our hearts.
..the current Living Prophet®, of course!!
teppe wants to be left alone.
--Mormon_Dude(When would be a good time for a couple of our young missionairies to come to your loving home and more fully explain the Restored Gospel© to you and your lovely family?)