They say they do not do that but, my word, it is so evident in things they do and say. When you can find sites which only deal with prayers to Mary and others which deal with prayers to dead people, it is very evident to people who have not been “brainwashed.”. Why do they do it? Even on that catholic channel, I have come across prayers to her and so called saints. Surely they are smart enough to read the Bible to find out what It says instead of listening to men tell them what to think and believe. You know I have noticed something on different shows? People have crosses and objects of Mary in their homes but I have seen very few Bibles. Why is that? I find it very odd.
Surely they are smart enough to read the Bible to find out what It says instead of listening to men tell them what to think and believe.
1) Not a matter of smartness, not sure what it is. The nature of man is to take the easy path and let others do the thinking for them. Very evident if we look around. I succumb to it at times also but it seem like there is always more to the story if I bother to look. The truth is expensive in time and effort, lies are cheap and easy. Protestants are subject to this also.
2) Very few are reading the Bible these days, whether protestant or Roman Catholic. I practice the ministry of dumb questions lately and ask people what they have read in the Bible this past week. Most run away from the question but I have found some warriors in the process. When I ask the question, I better be able to answer too.....
3) There is a disconnect of doctrine and action in the Catholic church but it is also true with protestants. The methodist votes down the homo agenda every year but does not discipline those who violate doctrine. So what is true, what they say, or what they do? I think there is a parable about that.
4) Every church has mission creep. To me it is very evident in the Roman Catholic church, with the worship of mary and saints, the emphasis on tradition, indulgences, etc. If you research those the original ideas are good but just like the Jews, they kept adding rules. Are protestants guilty of the same thing? Yes we have mission creep also.
The first generation churches in Revelations Chapter 1 and 2 were off target in big ways. After 2,000 years would not we be off course too and need correction? (Again both RC and protestant)
Jesus tells us the solution but I will not state it here, go to the original source.
Crosses, statues, pictures etc. are decorative, Bibles are usually not....some are, most are not.
Maybe you are going into the wrong houses. 3 Catholic Bibles (including the DRB), 1 KJV, 1 NIV, 1 KJV interlinear NT Greek, 1 Greek NT, 1 Interlinear LXX, 1 Jewish study Bible, 1 Tanak/ Tanach.
Those are just the ones Next to the computer desk.
In the Basement are 1 more KJV and NIV, Book of Mormon, Peal of Great price, Doctrines and covenants.