For example, doctrine against contraception has not changed; but in practice, many or most Catholics HAVE used contraception. So the lack of doctrinal change did not stop Catholics from doing as they pleased. Spurred on by clergy who often either tell them to follow their conscience or who elect not to reinforce the doctrine from the ambo. Sorry if I am feeling less than hopeful. My local parish priest was removed recently for allegations of making advances to a teen boy and having pornographic images of young males on his computer.
I understand. Let’s pray for the priest in question and that justice be done, harshly, if the charges are true. It might be a blessing in disguise for him, as he’ll have time to repent before appearing in the Court of Final Instance.
This is the time to trust, to have childlike faith in God, who makes all things work for the good of all who love Him. Let hope displace despondency and joy replace your sadness. This is the Christian life! It is a joy to live it through in season, and out of season! Rejoice! Again I say, rejoice!