Amen but remember Satan is the great tester and in God’s will is allowed to prove and test men... He is indeed a defeated foe but with the medium of this age his talking points get out EXPONENTIALLY! I see that too... that what dems are. They are like Satan’s fallen angels who seek to pervert and corrupt everything for their own selfish desires (John 8:44)
The greatest object and desire of the Creator is to love the highest being of His creation: a living man, a living person with body and soul like ours. Strange voices and words sound out from the fallen flesh of man, yet we are His most earnest desire and prize because He became incarnate, born of a woman to serve in our stead, to be crucified in that very same flesh for our sin, and to be raised again for our justification.
No other creature, not even the angels, have this privilege. So, these crazy miscreants consider themselves above it all and not subject to the Creator. Yet His Word, the same by which He created the heavens and the earth, continues to sound out and save, sounding the alarm that is as ancient as our first parents: “Repent and believe the Gospel (Christ the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world).” These things are hidden under the cross, but are as real as can be.
The Lord God keep you faithful, and grant you His peace, joy, and humility as you continue to live under His daily grace and favor. He is faithful and will accomplish just the right things at just the right time despite ourselves.