**Tough day yesterday for all of us....I know this journey will have its ups and downs....trying to stay in the moment and look forward....**
The Serenity Prayer......(say it every five minutes if you have to — I used it when my husband died.)
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
Put it on a poster across from her bed, but don’t say anything; just let the message speak to her.
Amanda, with assistance, was able to walk the parallel bars 2x today...she was able to raise her left leg and move it forward....
Her eye sight appears to be improving slowly as well....she got her phone back yesterday.....and....she has been texting and calling up a storm....
Thanks to God..our prayers are being heard....please continue to pray for Amanda and for her continued Rehab to be extended to as long as is needed...we still have a long way to go....but things are moving forward....