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To: tiki; notaliberal; All

It is important to remember what “communion” is all about. The name should give a hint.

While we must have a personal relationship with Jesus, we (as Catholics) must remember that Communion is the partaking of the Body (and Blood) of Christ not only for our own spiritual nourishment, but also for the unification of the Body of Christ, the Church, here on Earth.

This is why after I receive I still do what I did as a youth, albeit for different reasons: I watch as each communicant walks by, and try to say a special prayer for each of them, and also for myself to remember that that person and myself have just received the same Lord, and so we are one Body, that person (and that person and that and that). As each walk by I experience a unique bond with people who, outside of Mass, I may never give a second thought about.

I believe it’s important to do this. Mass isn’t just about us alone in our thoughts with Him. It’s that, and also a shadowy foretaste of what Heaven is like, which is not only perfect communion with the Father but all His children.

After all, think if it this way: if you can’t stand the thought of strangers invading your private time with Jesus for even an hour a week, just imagine what heaven will be like for you in eternity. There will be more than you and Jesus in Heaven. So you better get used to the idea of seeing a lot of the same type of people who you don’t like for whatever superficial reason, in heaven. Which doesn’t make heaven such an appealing place anymore does it?

And that’s a pretty dangerous place to be (to be disliking the reality of heaven).

This isn’t directed to anyone in particular because I see a lot of people on this thread expressing disdain over their fellow worshippers. It’s something I used to feel too, believe me; and still when there’s some outrageous liturgical abuse (especially that holding of the hands stuff during the Our Father) it still comes up in me.

Then I remember (hopefully), I’m going to be spending eternity with these people. So I might wanna start at least tolerating some of their stink while here on Earth. Don’t wanna burn any bridges after all, by holding some grudge in the afterlife.

So I pray for them some more, and hope they are doing the same for me. Because everyone needs prayer.

84 posted on 08/01/2014 7:31:12 AM PDT by FourtySeven (47)
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To: FourtySeven

Well, this is the problem with eternity: hell is other people. I wonder if this is why so many people turn to atheism - the idea that once you are dead you will be asleep and at peace. It is an inviting thought.

I have always had a problem with heaven because I thought that it would mean I’d have to spend an eternity with Aunt Jean. Of course, I am being absurd; I’m sure heaven is quite lovely.

87 posted on 08/01/2014 8:05:14 AM PDT by miss marmelstein (Richard Lives Yet!)
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To: FourtySeven

The Sacrifice of the Mass is about the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus….. no one else…. and that’s what I concentrate on not the people in the next pew.

96 posted on 08/01/2014 12:53:33 PM PDT by notaliberal (St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle,)
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