It in no way erased the truth that the SBC did support abortion. You had written The SBC did not support abortion and that is simply not true.
Seems to me it is pretty obvious where the SBC stands, and Im pretty sure you knew all this already...which leads me to wonder what your agenda is.
I used past tense; you used past tense; now you want to use present tense. The SBC supported abortion and slowly changed its mind and pulled back from it with a succession of resolutions, fully rescinding their 1971 and 1974 resolutions in 2003.
I brought this up because I thought your characterization of Baptists not using the KJV was skewed toward modern Baptists. The Independent Fundamental Baptists have clung to the KJV, as well as that all abortion is murder. They did not embrace the modern translations or liberal ideas about the sanctity of life.
“I used past tense; you used past tense; now you want to use present tense. The SBC supported abortion and slowly changed its mind and pulled back from it with a succession of resolutions, fully rescinding their 1971 and 1974 resolutions in 2003.”
Actually, they passed a differing resolution in 1976, not waiting until 2003. It occurred at the same time the SBC faced a split between conservatives and ‘moderates’...and the moderates lost, big time. By 1979, they had lost essentially all of their influence in the SBC, and it has been kept out for the last 35 years.
“You had written The SBC did not support abortion and that is simply not true.”
What I wrote, and what you choose to distort, is this:
The SBC did not support abortion. They were caught by surprise by Roe v Wade, and took a few years to get 45,000 congregations to build a consensus on how to respond.
Anyone who knows anything about the SBC knows that the “SBC leadership” has limited authority, and that resolutions are typically voted on by 1-2,000 delegates, and thus often misrepresent the views of the 45,000 member churches.
“I brought this up because I thought your characterization of Baptists not using the KJV was skewed toward modern Baptists. The Independent Fundamental Baptists have clung to the KJV...”
Really? Do y’all have Bishops? Do you all have a hierarchical church? Do you have Priests?
The KJV is not hideous, but it is also not a faithful translation. Read the instructions King James gave to the translating committee, and how he forbade them from using congregation or elder:
“3. The Old Ecclesiastical Words to be kept, viz. the Word Church not to be translated Congregation &c.
4. When a Word hath divers Significations, that to be kept which hath been most commonly used by the most of the Ancient Fathers, being agreeable to the Propriety of the Place, and the Analogy of the Faith.”
When you allow a King to determine your translation, you are not being faithful to the text.
If bishops were put out of power, I know what would become of my supremacy, James objected. No bishop, no King. When I mean to live under a presbytery I will go to Scotland again.