I cannot help but think you are referring to modern Baptists, and not Independent Fundamental Baptist churches and their fellowship of churches. I don't think the Fundamentalists, unlike the SBC, ever supported abortion.
The SBC did not support abortion. They were caught by surprise by Roe v Wade, and took a few years to get 45,000 congregations to build a consensus on how to respond. The SBC has been very strong in the anti-abortion fight, and members of the SBC have an outstanding track record of backing their words with their votes. In 2008, a whopping 1% of SBC pastors voted for Obama - find another denomination with a better vote tally!
And no, the KJV is not a great translation. King James gave specific instructions requiring a high church translation. Why? Because if congregations were free to choose their leaders, then why shouldn’t people be free to choose their political leaders - hence his comment, “No Bishop, No King!”
When someone deliberately mistranslates the word of God to promote their politics, it is evil. The Tyndale translation 80 years earlier was more faithful, and actually holds up well today.