I live in a historically Jewish building in New York City. On most days, its two elevators service each section of this rather monolithic structurejust enough to keep up with the flow of residents going up and down. But come Friday evening, one of the cars is switched into Shabbos mode, meaning that it stops at every single floor automatically, backing the tenants up like resentful clogs in beige-yellow arteries. It does so for religious reasons, since many observant Jews avoid pressing electric buttons on Shabbat....For those practicing Jews that dont have a kosher elevator, a Shabbes Goy is the next best option, an obliging non-Jewish person who pushes buttons or flips switches on behalf of the observant one.
Pushing or not pushing a button does not put one closer to God.
This kind of dedication must explain why Jews are famous for being pro-life. pro-God voters.
Yeah right.
LOL! I’m waiting for a button that will do my dishes and clean my house.
How about we equip the elevator with voice response?
"Floor 17". "Proceeding to 17." How would that differ from asking a Goy to push 17?