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VANITY - I hear people talking about the Bible says, "not to judge" - what say you?
Did I say this is a vanity?
| 4/20/2014
| STOCKPIRATE - vanity
Posted on 04/20/2014 12:15:02 PM PDT by stockpirate
I am hearing a lot of people say that the Bible teaches that we are not to judge someone over any issue, they say "God will judge"....
I don't think the Bible teaches it the they are saying and they also say that this is what their preacher teaches....
I'd like to hear from my fellow freepers on this...
Have a blessed Easter...
TOPICS: Catholic; Charismatic Christian; Evangelical Christian; Religion & Culture
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To: Doomonyou
John's example was perfunctory buffoonery displayed by the "leaders", yes, but the point was the false objection based on appearances; not in understanding the underlining motives based on God's will. The people who wanted to kill Jesus at the time failed to realize this rational act that Jesus performed.
Irrationality/irrational judgments is a fault everyone has, not just "leaders" which is why "righteous judgment" was stressed. Also, Mathew applied to not only "us" but our "leaders" as well.
posted on
04/20/2014 3:11:57 PM PDT
rollo tomasi
(Working hard to pay for deadbeats and corrupt politicians.)
To: stockpirate
I think most people get Judging mixed up with criticizing, I hate the thought of being on a jury because I do not want to judge any one.
To: stevem
I surely hate the idea of being judged by those standards I have applied to others from time to time.
You are not alone.
To: Hoodat
"Making another person aware of their sin is not the same as judging them."
"When did it become my job to determine if someone else is sinning?"
How do you make "another person aware of their sin" in the first place if you are not suppose "to determine if someone else is sinning"? Who said anything about a "job"?
posted on
04/20/2014 3:27:08 PM PDT
rollo tomasi
(Working hard to pay for deadbeats and corrupt politicians.)
To: stockpirate
Judge Rightly is not a person, it’s a command.
posted on
04/20/2014 3:29:01 PM PDT
fish hawk
(no tyrant can remain in power without the consent and cooperation of his victims.)
To: loboinok
posted on
04/20/2014 3:30:05 PM PDT
(Gun control is hitting what you aim at!)
Personally, I think it can be a very hard rule to follow, especially with politicians.
I think you said it pretty much the way it should be, and some things are hard to keep from judging so we need to keep it impersonal, I surly hope I am not judged by the stupid things I have done.
To: Hoodat
The truth of the matter is that we don’t have full information on anything. But God does.
Amen to that.
To: DannyTN
To: rollo tomasi
Contradicts your quote in bold at the top, hmmm...
I don`t think it contradicts, in one case Jesus was talking to the multitude, in the other he was addressing the church.
To: ravenwolf
The multitude make up the Church.
posted on
04/20/2014 3:59:03 PM PDT
rollo tomasi
(Working hard to pay for deadbeats and corrupt politicians.)
To: ravenwolf
If you are making a case for those "outside" the Church I pointed out that is true.
As Paul writes, "What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside.
Should be noted these are established members of the Church. Those new to the Faith are given space to grow. Also this "stuff" is not for superficial behaviors.
posted on
04/20/2014 4:11:36 PM PDT
rollo tomasi
(Working hard to pay for deadbeats and corrupt politicians.)
To: madison10
Oh dear. Did I get my Pharisees and my Philistines mixed up? Too much Easter ham!
posted on
04/20/2014 4:30:09 PM PDT
(My gun has killed fewer people than Ted Kennedy's car.)
To: rollo tomasi
As Paul writes, “What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside.
I agree
To: Nifster
Judge not lest ye be judged.
Check the log in your own eye before you point out the speck in someone elses
It works the other way. Judge some one to a standard and then hold your self to the same standard.
To: stockpirate
The Bible is saying that all Criminal Justice Law is completely null and void. Man cannot judge man. Only God can. Therefore, revel in the carnage and the madness and the celebration and the killing.
posted on
04/20/2014 4:45:45 PM PDT
(Early 2009 to 7/21/2013 - RIP my little girl Cathy. You were the best cat ever. You will be missed.)
To: Secret Agent Man
That is my take on it too...
posted on
04/20/2014 4:46:23 PM PDT
(Only a tidal wave of tyrants blood will return our tree of liberty......)
To: stockpirate
Leftism is a lie promoted with lies by liars.
Lying consists of among other things omissions, false premises, & moral relative comparisons.
Anyway, Leftists illegitimately conflate judging one's soul, with judging one's actions. Actions can be judged by men; this is the basis of legitimate discrimination.
For example, whether or not one will go to hell or one is truly guilty of murder it must be said that murder is wrong.
The phrase: "Judge them by their fruits" comes to mind regarding actions.
posted on
04/20/2014 4:48:50 PM PDT
To: Chode
That’s the whole point I think.
Judge, but remember, how you judge is how you will be judged, so if I judge someone that murders should also be put to death, I should expect the same punishment if I commit murder.
posted on
04/20/2014 4:52:35 PM PDT
(Only a tidal wave of tyrants blood will return our tree of liberty......)
To: PeterPrinciple
Wrong... I am to keep my side of the street clean. I live the standard (as best I can for I am not fully God and fully human the way He was). People look at my actions. I am called to love my neighbor as myself.....
posted on
04/20/2014 5:09:45 PM PDT
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