The entire NT is about the apostles and their followers keeping the sabbath and the feasts.
That is the whole story line of the NT! They never wrote about anything else but the sabbaths and the feasts.
BTW - the whole story line of the NT is salvation through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. the sabbaths and feasts were types and shadows pointing towards Christ, once He appeared, the types and shadows were no longer needed.
They are still needed as they are shadows of Yeshua's second coming as well.
You got what you asked for...You asked for one...
They wrote about Christ!
Since you’ve never read the NT, I will forgive your ignorance, but the travels of Yeshua all described his attendance at feasts and keeping of every sabbath. During those events he proclaimed his Torah, and commanded all to go and sin no more.
All of Paul’s voyages are described around his efforts to be at the feasts at various places along the route. He commended the Thessalonians keeping of the feasts as assurance that Yeshua would not come upon them as a thief as he would most. He told the Colossians not to allow the pagans persecution for their keeping of Sabbaths and feasts to bother them.
How do you miss all of this?