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To: editor-surveyor

“You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about.

The Aviv is the first month of the year. Day one of the aviv is 14 days before Passover.”


You clearly are a Torah expert, that’s why i am asking you to share your vast knowledge with the rest of us who are struggling under the pagan Constantine catholic blinders:

please, please, can you tell me on what day of aviv or nissan or whatever the month in hebrew is:

on what day did Yeshua die?
on what day did Yeshua rise?

seems simple for an expert such as yourself, but no answer is ever provided, why can’t you say He died on the 14th of nissan and rose on the 18th of nissan. or He died on the 15th of nissan and rose on the 19th of nissan ( these are just illustrative examples of what an answer i am looking for would look like )
think of the public service you would be providing to all the pagans out here who don’t know any hebrew??

201 posted on 04/17/2014 6:08:09 PM PDT by one Lord one faith one baptism
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To: one Lord one faith one baptism

Study the Passover as an event (Leviticus).

Everything about the crucifixion was ‘by the manual.”

Hr died when the lambs died nearby, and was laid in the tomb shortly thereafter, as the lambs were being roasted on sticks that looked much like the cross on which he died. This all happened before the sun had completely set. he lay in the tomb through the Passover, through the regular business day afterward, through the weekly Sabbath, and arose precisely at the end of that Sabbath, at sundown, the beginning of the first day of the next week (saturday evening).

These days are laid out in the gospels in some detail, if you take care to read them laid out chronologically, side by side. That includes the regular day in between the Passover and the Sabbath.

The only part of the entire saga that happened in daylight on the first day of the week was the encounter of Mary at the grave at sunrise, and his later meeting his disciples on the road.

202 posted on 04/17/2014 6:32:38 PM PDT by editor-surveyor (Freepers: Not as smart as I'd hoped they'd be)
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To: one Lord one faith one baptism; editor-surveyor; roamer_1; Iscool; winodog; delchiante
ES simply misunderstood your request since you mentioned "Day 1" which means something entirely depending upon if you were referring to the week or the month. I'm a little confused myself after trying to decipher your phraseology. But jumping to the your blanks:

Yeshua was crucified and died on the cross before sundown on the 14th day of AVIV 4028 on the Hebrew calendar (Wed. 26th of April, 28 C.E.). Yeshua was raised on the 3rd day after 3 days & 3 nights (i.e. the 17th day of AVIV or Sat. the 29). Remember the 15th day (Passover) began at sundown.

Year 4018 had thirteen months - same as this year on the Hebrew Calendar.

204 posted on 04/17/2014 6:43:11 PM PDT by Errant
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