Yeshua was crucified and died on the cross before sundown on the 14th day of AVIV 4028 on the Hebrew calendar (Wed. 26th of April, 28 C.E.). Yeshua was raised on the 3rd day after 3 days & 3 nights (i.e. the 17th day of AVIV or Sat. the 29). Remember the 15th day (Passover) began at sundown.
Year 4018 had thirteen months - same as this year on the Hebrew Calendar.
He has no desire to understand.
Sowing confusion is a calling too!
There was no misunderstanding.
Yeshua was crucified and died on the cross before sundown on the 14th day of AVIV 4028 on the Hebrew calendar (Wed. 26th of April, 28 C.E.). Yeshua was raised on the 3rd day after 3 days & 3 nights (i.e. the 17th day of AVIV or Sat. the 29). Remember the 15th day (Passover) began at sundown.
thank you Errant, that is exactly what i was asking. i will respond to this tomorrow, it won’t come as a surprise to you that the answer doesn’t line up with the Scriptures, but i have a 10:00pm telephone conference call, so stay tuned tomorrow!
1 Cor 15:1-5
Now i would remind you brethern, in what terms i preached to the THE GOSPEL, which you received , in which you stand, by which YOU ARE SAVED, IF you hold fast to it, unless you believed in vain. For i delivered to you as of FIRST IMPORTANCE, which i also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was RAISED ON THE THIRD DAY, in accordance to the scriptures and that he appeared to Cephas then to the twelve.
Why does this matter? Paul says it’s a Gospel issue, Jesus had to rise ON THE THIRD DAY. The Scriptures over and over tell us Jesus would rise ON THE THIRD DAY - Luke 9:22, Matthew 16:21, Matthew 17:23, Matthew 20:19, Mark 9:31, Mark 10:34, Luke 18:33 and John 2:19.
If Jesus rose on the 4th or 5th day, he would be a false prophet and we would all still be dead in our sins.
I start this post since there were some comments earlier in thread about “what’s the big deal”, you say tomato, i sat tomateo, who cares?
Now i will specifically address Errant and his answer to my question to those denying what Christians have believed for 2,000 years of Jesus dying on what has become known as Good Friday and rising early Sunday morning.
First let me congratulate Errant for answering my question of what day did Jesus die and what day did he rise. Roamer seems to concur with Errant, but Errant had the courage of his convictions to actually state what he believes. some talk a good game, but pinning them down on specifics is like trying to nail down jello.
here is what Errant answered:
14th of Aviv - Jesus died and is buried ( wed ) (1)
15th of Aviv - sabbath ( thurs ) (2)
16th of Aviv - ( fri ) (3)
17th of Aviv - 7th day sabbath (4) Jesus Rises
18TH OF Aviv - 1st day of week (5) feast of first fruits
19th of Aviv - mon (6)
20th of Aviv - tues (7)
21st of Aviv - wed (8)
you will notice i extended the days and it will be clear shortly why i did that. i track the days by the Hebrew calandar days, the corresponding days of our week and i numbered them as well for easy reference.
my challenge was that whatever answer given to when Jesus died and was risen HAD TO AGREE WITH THE SCRIPTURES, and we can see immediately that Errant’s answer doesn’t agree with the Scriptures as follows:
1. Errant has Jesus rising on the 4th day, I provided nine different verses telling us Jesus had to rise ON THE THIRD DAY.
We must count days as the Scriptures do, not as we like or what method will fit our pet theory. Exodus 19:10-11, Luke 13:32 and Acts 10:1-30 all show us when counting days:
today is day one
tomorrow is day two
the day after tomorrow is day three
so if Jesus died on the 14th of aviv, he would have had to rise on the 16th of aviv for the third day prophecy to be true.
2. Errant has Jesus rising on the 7th day sabbath. Luke 24:21 specifically says the first day of the week ( sunday ) was THE THIRD DAY since Jesus died, therfore we know Jesus rose on the first day of the week. The first day of the week was also the feast of first fruits and Paul tells us in 1 Cor 15:20 “but in fact Jesus has been risen from the dead, the FIRST FRUITS of those who have fallen asleep.
3. Errant assumes there were two sabbath days that week, but all four Gospels only indicate one sabbath day. the feast of unleavened bread fell on the 7th day sabbath. there is only ONE day of preparation mentioned in all four gospels, there is only ONE sabbath day mentioned in all four gospels and it says the women rested ONE day, not two.
4. God has laid down a principal in Scripture, that any fact MUST be attested to by two or three witnesses. see Deuteronomy 19:15, Matthew 18:16 and 2 Cor 13:1. Jesus loudly proclaimed that he would rise ON THE THIRD DAY. If Errant is correct and Jesus rose on the 7th day sabbath, WHERE ARE THE WITNESSES FOR THIS DAY? No one saw Jesus on the 7th day sabbath, therefore this fact can not be established according to the Scriptural test of every fact being established by two or three witnesses. But, of course He rose on the first day of the week, and there were many more than two witnesses for that day.
5. back to counting days, suppose a baby boy was born on the 14th day of aviv at 3:00pm, on what day would he be circumcised on? we know Genesis 17:12 says it MUST occur on the eighth day, which would be the 21st of aviv. check this out from any Jewish rabbi or website, a baby born on a wed is circumcised on the following wed, the 8th day. if the 21st day of aviv is the 8th day, the 17th of aviv is the 4th day, which we know can not be the day Jesus rose.
but, but, i can hear the cries of what about Matthew 12:40 and the “three days and three nights”. Jesus absolutely was in the heart of the earth three days and three nights, the historical and orthodox Christian Faith has always affirmed this. the question is - what does the expression “three days and three nights” mean? does it mean 72 hours as some 21st century americans believe? what would this expression mean to a first century Jew? the answer is, it means simply three days. you see, to a first century Jew, any part of a day was the same as a whole 24 hour day. it is an idiomatic expression. so Jesus was in the heart of the earth three days and three nights, Friday, Saturday and Sunday - simply three days.
we have to ask ourselves, why is there this attack on what Christians have believed from the time of the Apostles?
i think several reasons can be given:
Satan wants to plant seeds of doubt on what the Church teaches.
Satan wants to plant seeds of doubt on the Scriptures.
the Muslims, Mormons, non-trinitarian cults, sabbath keepers, false prophets like rood all have a stake in saying Christians are stupid and Constantine paganized the Church so listen to our “new” understanding of the Scriptures.
there is after all ONLY ONE FAITH and that faith teaches Jesus died on the 6th day of the week, what we in the west call Friday and ROSE ON THE THIRD DAY, the first day of the week, on the feast of first fruits or what we call Sunday.