(A biblical refection on THE FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT [YEAR A], March 9, 2014)
First Reading: Genesis 2:7-9;3:1-7; Psalms: Psalm 51:3-6,12-14,17; Second Reading: Romans 5:12-19; Gospel Reading: Matthew 4:1-11
Some common-sense explanations need to be applied to this Sunday Gospel. It pictures salvations two archrivals Jesus and the devil having an animated conversation with each other on a mountain and at the pinnacle of the Temple. The best interpretation seems to be that this did not literally happen. The temptations were presented to the mind of Jesus. He had to subdue His inward temptations, urging Him to use His power and glory for His own good as the devil had done. The temptations were in the areas of bread, glory and possessions.
1. BREAD: This is the lure of catering to bodily comforts, giving free rein to all our appetites for food, drink, sex, leisure, etc. the easy life. Its only natural to want the best if we can get it, and forget about self-denial and discipline. Jesus knew, however, that this was not the way to prepare for the cross, where He would be thirsty, naked and tortured. So He resisted the temptation.
2. GLORY: Here He was tempted to show off and be spectacular. He could, if He wanted, put on a dazzling display and the people would have jumped with excitement and applause. He could even convince Himself that it would be good for His cause, for it would have attracted an enthusiastic following.
How often we love to be the center of attention and be popular in the eyes of others. Sometimes this clouds our minds, causing us to say and do foolish things. Jesus had to be in control, for later He would be challenged to come down from the cross and save His life. He wouldnt do that, either. In resisting this temptation, He manifested the divine strength which destroyed our sins.
3. POSSESSIONS: Just imagine all the things that people do for the sake of money. They kill for pay; endure cold, darkness and fear to obtain gold and riches. Some sacrifice every decent principle to obtain an exalted position. The devil doesnt truly own the world and couldnt give it to Jesus. But he could remind Him of His freedom to forsake His Fathers will and take possession of the world. Abandoning the Father was tantamount to worshipping the devil and the tough Redeemer told His adversary to get lost. The devil made me do it, ha no application here.
This passage causes us to ask: Can Jesus really be tempted? Some would say no, for He is divine. Others repond yes, for Hes human.
One thing is sure. We can be tempted, but when the mind is resolute, evil will flee. Then peace, like a ministering angel, will gently settle within our souls.
Source: Rev. James McKarns, GO TELL EVERYONE, Makati, Philippines: St. Paul Publications, 1985, pages 16-18.
Daily Marriage Tip for March 9, 2014:
Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned. (Ps 51:3) On this first Sunday of Lent, make plans to go to confession as a family sometime during Lent. Frequenting the Sacrament of Penance is great practice for asking forgiveness from our spouse for the times we hurt them.