IIRC there was another printing press that was printing the Book of Commandments that instigators had destroyed ...and now the instigators printing press was being destroyed for printing slander...
Imagine that...
Its not slander when its the truth..
all the Christians said in their newspaper is that joey Smith was an adulterer and committed the sin of polygamy..
Smith broke on of the Ten Commandments against God..
the last straw was when Smith had tried to rape the wife of one of the owners of the newspapers demanding that she give into him ..
Remember you were the one who said “Anyone in their right mind should shoot when they are ambushed by a raging mob...”
Mrs Law was ambushed by a raging rapist named Joseph Smith..
The newspaper offices of Mr William Law were ambushed by the raging bushwhacker arsonist Joseph Smith and Law’s property destroyed and his building burnt..
The townspeople of Nauvoo were ambushed by a raging mob led by the outlaw Joseph Smith..
The townspeople of Nauvoo were taken captive by a raging mob led by the outlaw Joseph Smith and their lives endangered..
The craven outlaw Joseph Smith was on the run from the law so his much abused wife Emma Smith convinced him to turn himself in...
So they arrested the dangerous criminal named Joseph Smith of Vermont, male, white, 38, several prior arrests and convictions, but still he was raging, and finally he was shot during a jail break in which he instigated a gun battle, shot his own brother Hiram in the back, murdered 2 men and exchanged gunfire with his own followers..
and it was Boot Hill for a raging outlaw..A likely end to an ignoble life..