What I read is that you want to take an innocent victim of rape and make her a murderer, make her sin against God...
you want to add to her burden by adding guilt,. not alleviate her of emotional and psychological pain..
a woman can get over a rape long before she can get over the horror and guilt she will feel from murdering her innocent baby....
at a time when she could be turning to God for comfort and healing for the rape that she had no part in, you want her to spit in His face and kill His creation...
Thus making herself an active participate in willful sin and a crime against God...the breaking of one of the Ten Commandments...
and placing herself in a perilous place with God..
way to go genius...
I’m not making her anything at all, genius.
The choice is hers, genius.
The choice is not yours, genius.
Really, the fact of the matter is, it’s none of your damn business at all, genius, so why don’t you butt out, genius.
But if it’s really that important to you, genius, why don’t you go to her bedside and convince her that bearing the child is the right thing to do.
Because, outside of that, genius, you have no course of action at all, genius.