It appears that Christian intercessors may, indeed, gather to pray for an afflicted person. Do you believe they must do it silently, without communicating with one another?
I do not believe they must but i believe it is much more inline with what Jesus said on the matter.
Yes, they can talk verbally to each other but have silent prayer
And yes Jesus prayed out loud a few times and he explained why he did it, although he owes me no explanation.
And you can pray how ever you want, i don,t think there would be any penalty for it but Jesus told his apostles not to do as the hypocrites did.
James 5:14-16
yes, to confess your sins to one another we would have to be verbal but to pray to God for each other we would not,
because God reads that which we think.
OOPS -- my turn -- I did not see your full answer about praying in silence or not until after the previous post. Sorry. Thanks for your answer.