Are you aware that the media zoomed in on about one page of his exhortation.
He really didn’t say the things that media is broadcasting at all....a lot of mistranslation — especially the “trickle down” part.
If one reads “Pascendi Dominici Gregis,” Pope St. Pius X’s encyclical against Modernism (which he defined as a heresy), one finds that many things that Pope Francis has said sound very much like what Pope St. Pius X warned against. It isn’t just this particular prouncement. Plus, one must ask why every time he makes a prouncement, someone has to come afterwards to explain that “it really wasn’t what he meant” or that “it was an inaccurate translation.” He ought to speak, as have previous Popes, so clearly that there is no room for doubt.
“Are you aware that the media zoomed in on about one page ...”
Are you aware that doesn’t excuse what was written in that one page?