Why do gays so want society to endorse their behavior?
Remove God and they can fulfill the first tenet of Satanism - “Do what thou wilt” without any consequences. Its just the first step in their plan to make homosexuality and pedophelia “normal”. There is a reason God views homosexuality as an abomnation. They are making it more and more clear every day.
A new take on Stein's comment is that gay men think they can unload their guilt if they can get world religions to endorse their acts.
Because they are self-loathing narcissists. Their self-image is of maximum importance. They are not 100% comfortable in their own skin. Deep down, they know they are part of something that has been considered an abomination in most civilized societies from time immemorial. However, they crave acceptance and validation from the rest of us so they can accept and validate themselves. The only way to do that is to silence the voices that speak out against them.
Of course, some gays are not self-loathing narcissists. Some are comfortable with who they are and don't care what anyone thinks. These are the ones who keep a low profile and have a "live and let live" outlook.
Why do gays so want society to endorse their behavior?
Liberals think that man is inherently good and the reason man has not achieved perfection is because religion holds us back. If man is allowed to express his inner self all will be good. Religion is evil because it says “no”.
This is their world view in contrast to ours.
Because their consciences are convicting them and they want to assuage their consciences. If they really believed what they were doing is “OK”, they wouldn’t “need” the approval of anyone else.
“Why do gays so want society to endorse their behavior?”
Evil always attacks good. That is its nature.