I don't think we should succumb to spiritual envy, like a bunch of spiritual democrats who resent others' exceptional and unequal gifts, and want to level them. Instead of resentment, we should rejoice that others are exceptionally gifted,and ask Our Lord to give us the greatest gift of all, which is Love.
Likewise, as Cynical Bear points out, Jael was called blessed "above all women," which entails Jael being in a higher position of blessing, a position of eminence, and some in a lower.
we should rejoice that others are exceptionally gifted
Blessed has nothing to do with being gifted...Especially in the case of Mary...
Luk_1:48 For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. G3106
From G3107; to beatify, that is, pronounce (or esteem) fortunate: - call blessed, count happy.
As we can see, Mary was very happy because she was fortunate to be chosen by God...And she was esteemed by her peers for that action...
Has nothing to do with gifted, or eminence...
But IN CHRIST, there is neither Jew nor Greek, male nor female, salve or free. We are all one in Christ.
We are all blessed in the Beloved with the grace that God has LAVISHED on us. (Ephesians 1)
Jumping into the fray here, but while i concur some are blessed more than others (such as we have "gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us," [Romans 12:6] and unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required, [Luke 12:48], yet the word use to describe Mary as blessed above all women does not she is the most blessed due to her being more virtuous.
"Charitoo" as in Lk. 1:28, is never used for "full" elsewhere, and is wrongly rendered "full of grace" in the DRB rather than highly favored (but Rome's current official New American Bible has the latter), and which is also used of all believers in Eph. 1:6. In contrast, the only one said to be full of grace is the Lord Jesus, "full of grace and truth," using "plērēs," which denotes "full" 17 other places in the NT.