August 2013
Pope's Intentions
Parents and Teachers. That parents and teachers may help the new generation to grow in upright conscience and life.
The Church in Africa. That the local Church in Africa, faithfully proclaiming the Gospel, may promote peace and justice.
Thursday of the Twentieth week in Ordinary Time
Commentary of the day
Saint Nerses Chnorhali (1102-1173), Armenian patriarch
Jesus, the Father's beloved Son, §683-687 ; SC 203
"Come to the feast"
Your servants' call has invited me, even me!,
to the divine wedding prepared for you,
O beloved Son, by the Father,
that I may rejoice in ineffable joy here below
in the mystery of the altar,
and may rejoice in the heavenly city (Rv 21,2f.)
in days to come
in eternal, inexpressible and unchanging rejoicing.
But because I no longer wear the splendid garment
worthy of the wedding hall;
because I have soiled
by the dark sins of my soul
the garment given at baptism's sacred fount
O impenetrable Master...,
clothe me again anew with your own self (cf. Gal 3,27)
and restore to its former splendor
my sullied original robe.
Since I do not hear your voice, Lord,
speak the word “friend” with accents worthy of compassion
and may I never be thrown down, as was that one,
into the pit for ever.