Again, I know of no organization, group or entity which teaches this. Seriously. Words mean things.
...what everybody on this thread fails to note; Christ as sacrifice is presented anew, at each celebration, albeit literally in an unbloody manner, as opposed to the bloody, once consummated sacrifice upon Calvary; as the Spotless Victim He is made present under the appearance of bread and wine, i.e. transubstantiation...
...the two manners of sacrifice (bloody and unbloody) are contextually the same...the protestant notion of consubstantiation (spiritually present)was developed as a visceral reaction to the concept of Christ as oblation...
...I know you know all of this...what amuses me is how others purposefully twist that which is not difficult to understand into something that is both silly and wrong...thus, ‘resacrificing’...
What Catholics do not get is that without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins. Hebrews 9:22
An unbloody sacrifice is meaningless and useless.