(d) The “cousins” of Mainstream Mormons — the fLDS — are Mormons, too. And they BOTH “preach it” AND openly live it.
Did you know that back in the late forties or early fifties i am not sure because at that time i was not concerned except that i remember that i wished i was a little older.
The German women were asking the American women for the use of their men. the headline was
American Women, may we borrow your men.
When there are a shortage of men or women either one, people can change their minds in a heart beat.
And i believe in days gone by it was that type of thing that sparked polygamy.
The difference in Mormonism is that it was not done out of that type of need but out of one mans desires who turned it into religion..
(Bingo! You hear that Mormons? Yes?)
And i believe in days gone by it was that type of thing that sparked polygamy.
That's the cover story Mormonism has put forward.
A little checking PROVES that was not the case at all.
Shortage of WOMEN?
In New York in the 1830-40 period???