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To: Greetings_Puny_Humans

I am glad to continue this debate, and have been encouraged by lurkers, friends and family to patiently continue.

**You also ignored the first part of my response as well.**

Hmmm, maybe I skipped, skimmed, or the like as you admit doing. So, let’s break it down...

**First of all, Christ already had existence before the incarnation. His incarnation was merely the Word made flesh, but before that the Word was with God and was God from the BEGINNING (John 1:1). **

You wouldn’t answer if you and your word are separate entities. (clue: your word comes from your brain. The physical mechanism simply makes it heard). You just want to argue about 1:1, and not answer the question. Nevertheless, here I reply:

You repeatedly point to John 1:1, but you don’t seem to understand it. The Word was there from the beginning, which was WHEN it was begotten. The Word was made flesh, and John tells you, “No man hath seen God at any time; the only BEGOTTEN Son, which is IN THE BOSOM of the FATHER, he hath declared him.” 1:18. .....and more of where the Son came from: “Jesus knowing that the FATHER had GIVEN him ALL things into his hands, and that he was COME FROM GOD, and WENT TO GOD..” 13:3 (sounds like the Son is possessed by God the Father. more on that farther below).
God the Father has no beginning, unless maybe you know who created him.

**Do you suppose, then, that God “physically Fathered” the “Mighty God” in eternity? (Isaiah 9:6).**

He’s the Mighty God and everlasting Father because the Father is IN him (and he in the Father), just like he told you three places in John.

**Christ further asserts that He had always existed, “Before Abraham was, I am,” before they took up stones to stone Him. The verb used is that of present tense, as in continual Being, not “I was” in the Greek. He uses the same title as God in the Old Testament “I Am” (From Exodus).**

Here is ‘plain reading’, direct from the Son, answering your ‘I AM’ argument: “For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he GAVE me commandment, WHAT I should SAY, and WHAT I should SPEAK. And I know that his commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I SPEAK therefore, even as the FATHER SAID unto me, so I SPEAK” (John 12:49,50).

**So, is Jesus Christ the perpetually existing “I AM” because in eternity, the Father physically reproduced, and filled the Word (who was still spirit) with the Holy Spirit without measure?**

From his beginning creation (the only begotten), the Son has always had the Father in him, and he in the Father (because he said so). When the Son speaks, it is as the mouthpiece of God the Father. God the Father is the ‘I am’. The Christ is simply the image of the invisible Father, the ‘only true God’ (remember John 17:1-3; which you have yet to deal with).

**How is one perpetually existing if He has a beginning, and how does one receive the Holy Spirit in your body before you have a body? And, how is it that God is able to form another separate God? FYI, was Jesus physically fathered by God? It says here He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. There was no sexual intercourse... I do agree that the Holy Spirit is God though: Mat 1:18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.**

The Holy Ghost proceedeth FROM the Father......SENT from the Father. The Father SENT the Son....Who, by the authority that the Father gave him, sends the Comforter FROM the Father (15:26)

The source of all power is traced back to the Father (who dwells in his Son).
Paul, writing to the church, said in 1Cor. 3:23, “And ye are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s”. (there’s that possessive again).

**I was responding to your assertion that the Father physically produced Jesus, so therefore I quoted that it is the Holy Spirit’s doing. In other words, what you just accused me of, was your position, not mine.**

The Holy Ghost “proceedeth from the Father”. You just can’t seem to grasp that fact. The Son said that to be the case. John 15:26. And you still seem to think you have a better understanding than the inspired writers, who NEVER referred to the Holy Ghost(Spirit) as “God the Holy Ghost”, or the Son of God as “God the Son”. The phasing of those words in your approved fashion verily contradict the scriptures, and the proper definition of God. Example: Is it proper to define ‘St. Louis of Missouri’, or ‘Missouri the St Louis’?How about another: ‘Pacific Ocean of Planet Earth’, or ‘Planet Earth the Pacific Ocean’. Should I prophesy that you will mock that argument, as you mock others?

**Here’s post 1017: “We’ve been over this before. Christ continues: “At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.”**

Yes, we HAVE been over it before, and you refuse to accept the whole passage (just cherry picking one verse out of it), where the Lord teaches of the experience of being filled with Spirit of God, and how AT THAT DAY we can feel a portion of what the Christ felt at an immeasurable level. Musta been one of the areas you admitted to just skimming or skipping. Or maybe you read it, and declared it not to be an answer. Here it is again from post 1213:

Notice Jesus Christ said, “AT THAT DAY”. What day?...the day when people are filled with his Spirit (aka Comforter, aka Holy Ghost).

The Christ said that the Comforter will not come unless he goes away. 16:7. AND told the disciples in 14:17 “ye know him for he dwelleth with you, and shall be IN you. “I will not leave you comfortless: I will COME to you.” (18). How? the Comforter.

He had to go away physically, because he couldn’t abide physically with ‘whosover will’ constantly. It’s not physically possible. He had to return as the Comforter so that ‘whosoever will’ can receive of him, and because of his being poured out, “..the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” 14:12

**Thus, your proof text that every scripture where Christ is called God is simply referring to the Father “in Him” simply doesn’t fly, because Christ here is only telling us of the special unity we have with Christians with our God.**

No, the Christ is not ‘only telling us of a special unity’. There’s a whole passage there where the Lord is telling them of the coming Comforter, saying the “ know him; for he dwelleth WITH you, and SHALL (future) be IN you.” 14:17

Once again: “I will not leave you comfortless: I will COME TO YOU.........AT THAT DAY...”. He’s telling them of the baptism of the Holy Ghost; which he commanded them to receive, and later tells them to wait for it in Jerusalem. It was not going to be poured out until he bodily departed. AT THAT DAY they too would discover how we become like the Son, fully realizing what it’s like to be in the Father, and he in us.

**Kind of makes it pointless to respond to you, if you’ll just cherry pick parts of my post and make pointless retorts about arguments I did not make. It’s tedious to have to repeat points I’ve made just so you can ignore them like they were never made at all.**

Wow! You took the words right out of my mouth! Oh, you respond. You just somehow manage skip over the same questions over and over. They are once again patiently waiting for you at the end of this post.

**Again, the cherry picking and ignoring of most of what I say. I’ll just copy and paste the previous example I used of the Holy Spirit being called God: Act 5:3-4 But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land? (4) Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God. Did they lie to the Holy Ghost, or did they lie to God?**

The Holy Ghost is sent from God the Father, which is what the Son (who is IN the bosom of the Father) said. The Son elaborates the phenomenom: “..the Comforter..whom I will send unto you FROM the FATHER, even the Spirit of truth, which PROCEEDETH FROM the FATHER..” 15:26 and “..whom the Father will send in my name..” 14:26. And since the Father has given all authority to the Son (that is in his Father’s bosom), he can send the Spirit forth from the Father. I can speak to someone thousands of miles away with a cell phone (which has no will of it’s own). The cell phone at the far end is simply echoing my will. Lying to it, is lying to me.

**Is the Holy Spirit God because He has the Father in Him too? So goes your silly argument.**

That’s the silly argument of your three God position. Remember these lines I pasted from a posting of the so-called ‘Athanasian Creed’?

17. So the Father is Lord: the Son Lord: and the Holy Spirit Lord.
18. And yet not three Lords; but one Lord.
19. For like as we are compelled by the Christian verity to acknowledge every Person by himself to be God and Lord:
20. So are we forbidden by the catholic religion to say, there are three Gods, or three Lords.

Forbidden?? Well, when you are defining God as three entities, that are each equal to the other, and yet are God individually, the result is three Gods nomatter how you add it up. You should define your position as three Gods in one unified committee.

**All the rest of your assertions I already responded to, though you responded to none of my points which refute them.**

Remember how you pointed out Isa 48:16, and again later, saying : “I already quoted the scripture from Isaiah which has “The LORD God, and His Spirit, hath sent me.” A rather perfect distinction.”

, and how I didn’t answer.........oops, was answered in #1232:

‘the Lord God (that would be the Father), and HIS Spirit (there’s that pesky possessive!), sent the Son of God (a phrase you insist on modifying to ‘God the Son’. a phrase found nowhere in the WORD) who has the Father dwelling in him.“‘the Lord God (that would be the Father), and HIS Spirit (there’s that pesky possessive!)”

Here’s your response (keeping in mind that a response in not neccessarily an answer):

**Mat_16:17 ... my Father
Mat_18:10 ... my Father
Mat_18:19 ... my Father
Mat_18:35 ... my heavenly Father
Mar 8:38 ... his Father
(There’s that pesky possessive again)I can’t help but to find your retorts silly. What do you hope to prove by “His” or “my,” when we are talking about a trinity in the Godhead?**

You are talking about a ‘trinity’. I’m talking about the plain reading of the possessives in context with who is sending who. You should re-write Isa 48:16 to say: “the LORD God, and God the Spirit, hath sent me..”. John 17:1-3 is waiting for you in the list of questions below.

No, you haven’t responded to all my assertions. Below, for the third time, are questions that you have yet to answer (or refute, if you prefer):

1. Are you and your word two separate and distinct persons? (we are made in the image of God aren’t we?) You say you’ve answered it, by using John 1:1. But you still didn’t answer the question.

2. Who’s greater: The Son says, “My Father, which is GAVE them me, is GREATER than ALL..”. 10:29; and “..for my Father is GREATER than I..”. 14:28.

3. Mat_28:19 “ Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:..”. The greatest teacher of all gave the disciples that commandment, and they promptly went about baptizing in the name of JESUS. Now, first of all, note that he says ‘name’ in the singular, not ‘names’. ‘Son’ is a title. “thou shalt call his NAME Jesus”. Luke 1:21. Jesus Christ said that his name is not his own (John 5:43), And Heb. 1:4 says that he inheritted it. The apostles knew what they were doing when they baptized in the name of ‘Jesus’. Do you use his name in water baptism?

4. “The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the FATHER will SEND in MY NAME...”. So, what name are YOU going to use to request the coming of the Holy Ghost?

5. AND........don’t forget Matthew 28:18; Jesus..spake...”All power is GIVEN unto me in heaven and in Earth” (that’s pretty much everywhere, and let’s see, who GAVE it unto him?......could it be the Father that dwelleth in him, and he in the Father?).

6. Jesus praying to the Father (17:1), “And this is life eternal, that they might know THEE the ONLY TRUE GOD, ........AND........JESUS CHRIST, whom THOU hast SENT.” John 17:3. So, do you disagree with the Son, who declares the Father to be the “ONLY TRUE GOD”? (That’s some more ‘plain reading’; just like ‘the ‘Father in me, and I in the Father’)..

And you didn’t deal with this:
Food for thought: 15:1 A vine (Son) and a husbandman (the Father). The husbandman plants the vine and cares for it, etc. The ‘husbandman’ gave the ‘vine’ it’s start, provides all it’s needs, and has the power to prune or even kill the vine. Of itself, the vine has no such power.

Or this: How does a ‘trinitarian’ explain this: “But of that day and hour Father only” (the 2nd and 3rd ‘persons of God’ don’t know??)?

**Looks like back then I couldn’t care less either, and was still frustrated, 200 posts ago, about the repetitious nature of the arguments you present me.**

Thou that judgest art guilty of the same. lol. BUT, I’m not at all frustrated, and I do care.

1,241 posted on 06/02/2013 1:12:06 PM PDT by Zuriel (Acts 2:38,39....nearly 2,000 years and still working today!)
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To: Zuriel

“I am glad to continue this debate, and have been encouraged by lurkers, friends and family to patiently continue.”

You sure do like to talk about yourself a lot.

“You wouldn’t answer if you and your word are separate entities.”

The “Word” does not mean that Christ is merely a sound vibration. It would not describe Christ as distinct from the Father, and yet the same God as the Father, otherwise. You yourself confess that someone’s word is not separate from yourself. The Word that is God is also with God. It is an expression that depicts Christ as the image of God, the active and expressive power by which God reveals Himself to the world. Christ is similarly called “the light of the world,” “the way and the truth and the life,” “the resurrection,” “the door,” “the lamb;” and in Revelation, “the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last, the almighty.” Is Christ a number? Is Christ a physical door? Is Christ literally a lamb? All these words merely tell us Christ’s essential character, of which His chiefest characteristic is “God with us.” All are true, though you chop out the parts you do not like.

“No man hath seen God at any time; the only BEGOTTEN Son,”

You should capitalize the word “Only” as well, as it is fatal to your assumption. You assume that “begotten” means created. Yet, we are “begotten” through creation by your logic, and yet are not regarded as begotten at all, since Christ is the “only” one to have ever been begotten.

“God the Father has no beginning, unless maybe you know who created him.”

Neither was Christ:

Rev_1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

“Here is ‘plain reading’, direct from the Son, answering your ‘I AM’ argument:”

So the Father directed the Son to assert that He is the God of Moses, the Almighty “I am” who has always existed. Way to go Dad!

“From his beginning creation (the only begotten), the Son has always had the Father in him, and he in the Father (because he said so).”

The Son has always been in the Father, and the Father in the Son. That’s because they’re two members of the Trinity.

“The Holy Ghost “proceedeth from the Father”. You just can’t seem to grasp that fact.”

What are you talking about? I already asserted that myself. It’s pointless for you to keep spamming me with the same tired nonsense, and then ignoring everything that I say, forcing myself to repeat myself again and again.

I guess those Lurkers (Demons watching?) Friends and Family members like the torture that is repetition.

“(just cherry picking one verse out of it),”

What? Aren’t you the one who is cherry picking by saying that the Father is in the Son, as if that gives the Son right to call Himself God, but refusing to say the Son is in the Father, and both of them in us?

Your entire argument is based on the act of cherry picking. Though, I call it ‘wresting the scriptures unto damnation.”

“The cell phone at the far end is simply echoing my will. Lying to it, is lying to me.”

As blasphemous as this is, it’s already been firmly refuted. How does a cell phone have an independent identity of its user? “Baptizing them in the name of the Father, His cell phone, and His picture. And lo, I shall be with you always, even unto the roaming areas of the world, Amen.”

“Or this: How does a ‘trinitarian’ explain this:”

Actually, pretty sure I already responded to most of what you’ve written dozens of posts ago, probably multiple times too.

1,242 posted on 06/02/2013 1:58:36 PM PDT by Greetings_Puny_Humans
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