Willard, like many politicians, speaks with a forked tongue. When you think of a forked tongue, what creature comes to mind? That’s Willard and all the other politicians who place their self-interest before that of the common good. I was sadly disappointed to learn this week that Paul Ryan has “evolved” on the topic of gay adoptions. I no longer trust any of them.
Also, sadly, about babies, Willard has an awful record of pushing abortion...
In 2002 for instance during the debate for Cov of MASS he was asked about the age for girls to have abortions without parental permission...
He said if underage girls wanted an abortion but their parents would not give their permission, if he was Gov he would make sure that the girl could go to a MASS judge who would override the parents authority...
so much for him telling college kids to have children...
so much for the so called “family man”