As far as religion is concerned, that is an individual decision, we are responsible for our own actions.
There are some historic reasons for the English to have such laws. I will not pursue that line of thought, because I hold all Monarchist in high contempt, Catholic or otherwise.
That said, a merit based limited constitutional monarchy might not be that bad for a few hundred years.
It's fairly obvious that a constitutional limited republic devolves into a rabble of feral democracy.
Monarchy is a great thing - I am considering going to live in England for that very reason - it provides continuous leadership that isn’t held hostage to polling and pandering. A country with a monarch, who embodies the traditions and values of a nation - doesn’t fall for an Obama or the Kennedy garbage as its political leader.
“The English King & Queen stuff is nonsense. I have some respect for the Queen, she is a classy lady, but the very idea of our betters deciding for us what we should do is dumb.”
Hmmm, somehow you must have missed our current King Obama and his lovely banged Queen Moochelle. Are they not “our betters” whom we are allowing to rule us?
Actually, the Church of England should be thrown out and return to the One, True, Catholic, Apostolic Church. The Theology is near perfect (pre-Vatican II, of course) -—the Catholic Church never “evolved” on Jesus’s idea of sodomy and divorce and sex outside of marriage, much less abortion and contraception.
And that idea of King Henry the VIII (who just wanted to validate serial polygamy) is based on pure evil (Satanism).
The Church of England was founded on heresy-—and can not be moral. There was no “God Given Right” to divorce and kill his “ex” wives and have sex validated with numerous women. You can never use human beings as a commodity to be discarded-—and the Catholic Church is the only Church which is consistent on all life issues—and aligned with Natural Law Theory (Science).
You obviously are not a fan of “Leftist Revisited” which actually argues the merits of hierarchy and the need for such a system where uniformity and heresy is nearly (if not) impossible. It is why the Protestant Churches have “evolved” to what Bonhoeffer stated in the 30’s when he visited Rockefeller’s church in New York City——”Religionless Christianity”. The Catholic Canon has been virtually unchanged for over 400 years. There is no “flaw” in their “thinking” as I have studied the Canon. It is pure genius and Common Sense, as G. K. Chesterton stated many times (The man in the 20th century with the most Common Sense).
Interesting that you think individuals can decide their own “Right and Wrong” or interpret “Good and Evil” without the thousands of years of debate and an intense study of history and ideas. (Philosophy/Theology). Return to the “tribal” cultures which never resulted in the “Age of Reason” and the Renaissance? Machiavelli would laugh at that “thought”. Actually, that leads to anarchy every time and only ignorant masses to be controlled by the evil.
Organization of society (as with all animals) must contain an order (hierarchy). It is the Design of Nature. Hierarchy is the most efficient system-—ask any CEO.
With hierarchy (if not corrupted)-—merit-—talent is released and rewarded and uniqueness and excellence is rewarded. All cultures flourish when structured where “roles” are different according to ability.
Radical egalitarianism erases every quality that makes human beings “unique” and “special” (e-quality)-—and dehumanizes everyone. Only a culture where certain people can “rise” to the top-—like cream-—can flourish. Even Athens—who had the first Democracy knew the evil of non-structured societies where everyone is treated the same.
There are no two people who are “equal” . No such thing. So “hierarchies” always occur “naturally” whether you want it or NOT-—so a system which allows such a structure-—could be called the most Natural thing of all-—which, of course, is what the Catholic Church “thinks”.
I think they are correct, like always.
Not allowing their children to be raised “Catholic” is allowing their kids to be ignorant of the Truth.
I am a Monarchist myself, to a degree—although I think the Republic, which is a system which absorbed both Democracy and Monarchy-—is the most perfect for Freedom——when our Constitution and Bill of Rights are not thrown out.
BTW, traditions are necessary for the continuation of a culture. Without traditions, the children never learn about the past. Without knowledge of the past-—children will not “progress”-—they will regress.
Throwing out traditions is the Marxist concept-—so they can redesign human beings-—into this artificial world of no freedom where no one understands the history and past-—so they believe any lie they are told.
Only knowledge of history and the Classics/philosophies gives people the understanding of reality-—so they do not repeat the past. Monarchies create a timeline where history can be organized and understood. There is beauty and dignity in the system-—as long as they are moral human beings (devout Catholics). (Philosopher/King concept goes back to Socrates and he was one profound thinker).
Technically, monarchies are always oligarchies in reality.
Even dumber is what we let the politicians do in D.C.