The author of the article is flat out wrong. Not only did Jesus teach it, the Apostles taught it, the New Testament is easily shown to teach it and many early church fathers taught as proved by their writings. For example:
Ignatius has some other very great and meaningful statements on the Deity of Christ. Ignatius of Antioch, on the Deity of Christ, calls Jesus God 9 times (2 of them are less clear) in 7 letters (ca. 110 AD) Jesus Christ our God Ephesians , Preface suffering by the will of the Father and of Jesus Christ our God . . . Ephesians 15:3, Ephesians 18:2, Romans Preface- 2 times, Romans 3:3, Trallians 7, and Smyrneans 10:1 are less clear. (because of textual variants). Ignatius speaks of Christs blood as God's blood Ephesians 1:1. He calls Jesus God incarnate Ephesians 7:2. In Jesus God appeared in human form Ephesians 19:3. Believing Protestants can appreciate these statements and see that the early church was firm in its belief in the Deity of Christ and the Trinity, and the evidence from Ignatius here around 110 AD, shows that the Deity of Christ and the Trinity did not suddenly appear in 325 AD, as many enemies of the faith claim, like Muslims and modern skeptics and cults and others who write popular books, such as the Divinci Code.
Thank you for pointing this out