When did attending church on Sunday turn into entertainment? The purpose of attending Church is to worship God. Jesus commands us to celebrate the Eucharist by saying "do this in memory of me." Scripture says "Observe the sabbath day, to keep it holy, as the Lord your God commanded you.
Who said anything about being entertained?
I go to church to learn the Word of God. Too many sermons, or maybe it was just the preacher, were terribly boring. We tried Home Groups, but the study material seemed to have been written by the same people who write magazine articles (you know, like, "How To Brighten Up That Dingy Old Laundry Room!", etc.).
Sorry if I wasn't clear. It's been a long day.....
When did attending church on Sunday turn into entertainment?
Since churches brought in drums and electric guitars and loud amps to lure the youngsters with music. I don’t like it and consider that disrespectful to worship and loving Jesus.
Church is when two or more are gathered in HIS name. Amen.