The problem with your opinion is that it presupposes an infalliable bible written by falliable men. You can’t get from falliable to infalliable - but you can get from infalliable to infalliable.
“The problem with your opinion is that it presupposes an infalliable bible written by falliable men.”
I hear what you are saying. But the belief that the Bible is the absolute and true word of God means that we do believe that those men were mere instruments at the time of the writing. Though they were fallible men, when they wrote, they were “inspired” by the Holy Spirit. Of course much of Scripture repeats such things as “Thus saith the LORD,” and so forth. And the writings by the apostles show first that God ordained them particularly to do so.
Similarly, I think, the RC’s believe that the Popes, or perhaps the Magisterium, speak infallibly when speaking officially.
Of course I think the Bible does not teach that (being Protestant), but I hope I have stated the positions fairly.
So your argument is that the writers of Holy Writ possessed assuredly infallibility whenever they spoke universally on faith and morals, as per Rome's criteria, and that the supreme magisterium of Rome is speaking as per Divine inspiration on the level of the inspired writers?