The Coming to the Harbor is an old rite of the Maronite Church. It reminds us that Jesus is the Harbor of Salvation. The ship or the vessel, which is the Church, and is often compared to Mary, the New Vessel of life, reaches the Harbor after the safe journey of Lent. This celebration was originally celebrated on Palm Sunday, in the evening, and opens the Holy Week. It is celebrated outside the Church and is concluded inside the Church after a candle procession symbolizing Christ, the True Light. It does have a whole service of the Word, similar to the first part of the Divine Liturgy, with Hossoyo (Prayer of Forgiveness) and readings of the Epistle and the Gospel. The proclamation of the Gospel on that day is the Parable of the Ten Virgins who are waiting the coming of the Bridegroom.
O Lord, on the day when we meet you, do not extinguish the light of our lamps. O heavenly Bridegroom, fill our lamps with the oil of your divine love, that we may remain with your until the end. You are our Lord and God, to you be glory, for ever.Cong: Alleluia! O all-merciful One, open your door to those who shed their tears, as you did for the repenting woman. Be pleased with our service and accept the penance of our heart as you accepted the songs of David, the just.
Alleluia! O Lord, to your house we come to find a refuge, a harbor of safety from the sea of evil. O Lord, keep your door wide open in the face of those who knock; there is no safety for us besides the safety of your house.
Alleluia! O Lord, with your cross shield your Church and her children. Your grace brought them together in blessed choirs, to praise you. With the robe of glory, vest them; from the evil one, deliver them; and as a true inheritance, grant them your eternal kingdom.
Pope [Francis]: Homily for Palm Sunday Mass [full text]
Pope, Just Back From Trip, Celebrates Palm Sunday (with good news from Cuba)
Are You Ready for Palm Sunday? [Ecumenical]
A week with the Lord [Reflections on Passion Sunday and Holy Week]
Celebration of Palm Sunday Of The Passion Of Our Lord; Homily Of His Holiness Benedict XVI
Palm Sunday
HOSANNA (Palm) SUNDAY - Shanini Sunday
In Agony Until the End of the World
Being Catholic: Sacred Things, Palm Branches
Pope Says Youth Sound Have 'Innocent Hands and Pure Hearts' at Palm Sunday Mass
Passion (Palm) Sunday
Pope Opens Holy Week With Palm Sunday Mass
Traditions Related to Palm Sunday
Baghdad Christians celebrate Palm Sunday without fear
Holy Week Starts Today - Hosanna to the King of Kings!
Palm Sunday (In Art)
Palm Sunday (Artistic Representations)
RELIGIOUS HISTORY: On Palm Sunday, the path to Golgotha
This is beautiful and gives me much to ponder.