Recently in the news, a Florida college instructor directed his students to step on a sheet of paper, with “Jesus” written on it.
One student refused, a devout Mormon.
“One student refused, a devout Mormon.”
A step up from the football playing Mormon, who invented a dead girlfriend; and Mitt Romney, who invented an entire persona; and Joseph Smith, who was a pathological liar with 30 wives, 12 of whom still married to other men, and some as young as 14 years old.
One hopes he’ll convert to Christianity in the future, so his sins are washed clean, so he won’t be numbered with those evildoers.
Like many of the LDS faith, having faith while unaware of what his religion claims. Give me devout LDS for neighbors anytime rather than Muslims or unbelievers.
Not quite...
MANY students refused, ONE of them, a devout Mormon.