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To: xzins

“Another Christian named Origen wrote in about 250 AD:”

... 250????? Nothing in the first 100 years.

“The New Testament teaching by Paul that our children are set aside and holy in the eyes of God would not conflict with that. Nor would the teaching of Peter in Acts that the promise is for our children. Nor would the teaching that Lydia’s, the Jailer’s, and Cripus’ households were baptized conflict with the baptism of infants. Nor would Jesus own teaching who said about infants, “Let the little children come to me.””

... And yet, not a single passage you listed teaches infant baptism. Not one. For this reason, I am pointing out that the concept is made up from somewhere other than God’s Holy Scriptures.

“So, I could go on and on with others in early church history who testify to infant baptism at the earliest stages of the church.”

... No. Hundreds of years AFTER the formation of the Church.

“On the other hand, you don’t have to accept that explanation, and you can have your reasons for not accepting it. However, what you cannot say is that those who do teach it have made it up out of thin air.”

... Actually, you are concluding something you’ve yet to prove.

“There is a basis in scripture and church history for the teaching of infant baptism.”

... If there is a basis in Scripture, you sure haven’t listed it here. I’ve responded to every passage you tried to put forth, demonstrating that none of them was about infant baptism.

In the end, you posted a lot of stuff that had nothing to do with infant baptism. I enjoyed seeing what you attempted, but you didn’t prove your case.

You’ve yet to answer my questions:

Why doesn’t Jesus Christ tell you to baptize infants?
Why don’t the Apostles? Why not at least one?
Why is there not passage in Scripture that commands it? Not one?
Why is there no passage that models it? Not one?
Why is there no passage that instructs you to do it?
Why is there no passage that instructs the Church to do it?
Why is there one giant black hole on this issue in the Bible? If it is even remotely important, why wasn’t it ever mentioned?
Why are there no pictures of infants being baptized before 100 AD?
Why are there no Church Father writings before 100 AD showing this?

You are supporting a practice/doctrine that is never mentioned by either the Bible, nor the Apostles tradition for the first 100 years or more. Why? Why would you support it? Because it feels good?

Blessings to you. Love the Lord your God with ALL your mind.

143 posted on 02/28/2013 12:41:53 PM PST by aMorePerfectUnion (Gone rogue, gone Galt, gone international, gone independent. Gone.)
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To: aMorePerfectUnion

2013 and you argue with 250????

(Actually, 215, but I skipped Hippolytus and went to Origen.)

You, of course, know what libraries and records they had access to.

“The New Testament teaching by Paul that our children are set aside and holy in the eyes of God would not conflict with that. Nor would the teaching of Peter in Acts that the promise is for our children. Nor would the teaching that Lydia’s, the Jailer’s, and Cripus’ households were baptized conflict with the baptism of infants. Nor would Jesus own teaching who said about infants, “Let the little children come to me.””

***Yes, all of those are supportive of infant baptism. You, though, have a different theological belief, and so you cannot look through another’s eyes.***

“So, I could go on and on with others in early church history who testify to infant baptism at the earliest stages of the church.”

***Yes. The church is 2000 years old and we’re talking when it was only 10% of that 2000 old.

“On the other hand, you don’t have to accept that explanation, and you can have your reasons for not accepting it. However, what you cannot say is that those who do teach it have made it up out of thin air.”

***Nope. It has a basis in fact, as I’ve listed above. As evidience, it must be countered by your evidence which is limited. No place does the New Testament say, “You must not baptize babies.” You must compile circumstantial evidence.

“There is a basis in scripture and church history for the teaching of infant baptism.”

***Yes, I’ve mentioned an entire group of scripture that would support and/or fit with infant baptism. You have listed not one apostle or prophet saying “do not baptize/include infants.”

Why doesn’t Jesus tell me NOT to baptize infants?
Why don’t the Apostles? Not even one says “Do not baptize infants.”
Why is there not a passage of scripture that denies infant baptism?

The Household baptisms are a possible example of infant baptism.

Why is there no scripture that denies infant baptism?

Why do you deny those scriptures that support the full inclusion of infants?

And when our socialist government comes to take your children away and they lock you up or off with your head, and they train your kids to be atheistic, that’s just the way it is, isn’t it? It’s all on your little ones. If they don’t figure it out on their own, then that’s just tough.

Because God has no regard for the faith of his martyrs relative to their families.


144 posted on 02/28/2013 1:12:10 PM PST by xzins (Retired Army Chaplain and Proud of It! True supporters of our troops pray for their victory!)
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