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To: All
A Christian Pilgrim


(A biblical refection on the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C, 10 February 2013)

Gospel Reading: Luke 5:1-11 

First Reading: Is 6:1-2a,3-8; Psalms: Ps 138:1-5,7-8; Second Reading: 1Cor 15:1-11 (or 1Cor 15:3-8,11) 


The Scripture Text

While the people pressed upon Him to hear the word of God, He was standing by the lake of Gennesaret. And He saw two boats by the lake; but the fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets. Getting into one of the boats, which was Simon’s, He asked him to put out a little from the land. And He sat down and taught the people from the boat. And when He had ceased speaking, He said to Simon, “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” And Simon answered, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at Your worth I will let down the nets.” And when they had done this, they enclosed a great shoal of fish; and as their nets were breaking, they beckoned to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink. But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.” For he was astonished, and all that were with him, at the catch of fish which they had taken; and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; henceforth you will be catching men.” And when they had brought their boats to land, they left everthing and followed Him. (Lk 5:1-11 RSV) 

“Holy, holy, holy ……” is spoken to God and “let down your nets,” is spoken by God. These two brief proclamations merit bold print in today’s liturgy. The author of the first reading, Isaiah, is recording a transitory vision he experienced while at prayer in the Temple. The angels huddled around the throne of the Almighty, and chanted in Hebrew the triple holy: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory” (Is 6:3). This was the only way the language could express the superlative form of the adjective – by repairing the positive three times. We recognize this sublime prayer as the introduction to the canon of the Mass, still retained in the original Hebrew form.

In comparison to the vision, Isaiah saw himself as very unholy. Isaiah said; “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts!” (Is 6:5). Then, Isaiah welcomed a lip-cleansing ceremony by the application of a burning coal (Is 6:6-7). Following his searing purification, he could boldly proclaim readiness to serve God – “Here am I! Send me” (Is 6:8). Isaiah is both attracted to God’s adorable holiness and overjoyed that he can share in it. The Church helps us appreciate the sacred nature of God through word and sacrament, encouraging us (like Isaiah) to imitation.


The second statement is found in the Gospel as a command of Jesus to Peter. The chief apostle was hesitant to comply, for the best time for fishing had passed with the cool hours before dawn. Being a “professional” fisherman, he protested what seemed bad advice. Like a seasonal fisherman Himself, Jesus patiently waited for Peter to lower the nets after he had exhausted all the reasons why he should not. Amazed at the abundant catch of fish, Peter “the expert in fishery” learned a lasting lesson about trusting the sacred word of the Lord.

Indeed, it’s difficult for us to follow faith’s advice in daily life, especially when we feel competent and well informed. Whatever the case may be, we must humbly learn with Saint Peter that our knowledge of catching fish is nothing when compared to His, Who made the fish.

These two statements originated centuries apart. Fortunately for us they are now united in the same liturgy, since they complement each other. This is the connection: if we can truly proclaim the holiness of God, believe in His profound love for us and appreciate His smiling wisdom, then with full confidence we can lower the nets at any time or to any depth He requests.

The events of life will continue to puzzle us, with accidents and diseases sidelining some, while others are blessed with good fortune. God’s ways are not our ways, but His ways are best. We’re on the road to holiness when at His gentle invitation we can lower the nets willingly and say to the Master, “have it Your way” 

Short Prayer: Lord Jesus, teach me to let go of my own plants for my life and the lives of others. I want to believe that You have a better plan for all of the things I do. Whenever I am disturbed and upset, because things are not going the way I want them to, let me back off, let go, and remember that You alone are in charge of my life. I have determined to entrust everything to You. I trust You, because of the fact that You have loved me. Amen.

34 posted on 02/10/2013 3:13:22 PM PST by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: All
A Christian Pilgrim


 (A biblical refection on the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C, 10 February 2013)

First Reading: Is 6:1-2a,3-8; Psalms: Ps 138:1-5,7-8; Second Reading: 1Cor 15:1-11 (or 1Cor 15:3-8,11); Gospel Reading: Lk 5:1-11  


REMEMBER the story about the hen who was bragging to the pig about her commitment and contribution to humanity? She says, “I supply thousands of eggs for the market.” Unimpressed, the pig countered, “And who lays down his life so people can have ham, bacon and sausages? Mine is total commitment.” 

The Gospel message talks about call and commitment. The Lord approached a band of simple, rugged fishermen and, after a strange miraculous catch of fish, bade them to follow Him. Our Lord must have a deep impression that “they left everything” – their work, their boats, their families – and followed Him (Lk 5:11). It was a total commitment. This band of fishermen formed the core group on which Christ founded His Church. 

Unfortunately many have the idea that the call of Christ is addressed only to the apostles and their successors; bishops, priests and religious. That’s not true. Every Christian is commissioned to a ministry of love and justice by virtue of his or her baptism. 

The Decree on the Laity [Apostolicam Actuositatem] of Vatican II states: “Incorporated into Christ’s Mystical Body through baptism and strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit through confirmation, the laity are assigned to the apostolate by the Lord Himself” (AA, 3). So whether you are an accountant, a lawyer, clerk, doctor, musician, an executive, a teacher, or whatever, you share in the apostolate of preaching, teaching, healing and witnessing to Christ’s teachings. 

I used to work in a parish in Cubao, Quezon City and vividly remember a parishioner, a high-raking government official who worked with NACIDA. What impressed me very much was the fact that after office hours he would regularly drop at the parish office and work in the Legion of Mary. He did this faithfully as if he took a religious vow. Aside from the regular meetings and prayers, he and the members would visit the sick in the parish, reach out to depressed areas or a nearby jail, and sought to rekindle the faith of inactive parishioners. They were a small, low-profile band of lay workers but very dedicated and effective. They were serious and sincere in taking their Christian apostolic involvement. 

Today we know more and more numerous lay Catholics who sacrifice time, money and effort for the Church. Think of the eucharistic lay leaders, lectors, collectors, choir members and yes, the sacristans, and many others who render their services “gratis et amore.” Consider, too, the many lay Catholic involved in various renewal movements such as the charismatic organization, neo-catechumenate, Marriage Encounter, Couples for Christ, Christian Family Movement, and yes the thriving El Shaddai Catholic renewal community of Bro. Mike Velarde. Never before has there been such a renaissance of vibrant spiritual awakening. 

The most effective form of communicating the Good News is, of course, the testimony of Christian living. If people who rub shoulders with us begin to recognize a special “something” that we have, they might eventually ask about it and be attracted to our way of life. 

In communicating Christian values what should be avoided is being preachy or pushy. Not a few of us like to be preached at. We don’t like to be pushed into doing anything that makes us feel uncomfortable. We should share our belief humbly and simply, avoiding condescending insinuations that we are right and others are wrong. We should never assume that our faith in Christ guarantee us infallible wisdom. Sharing with others our own approaches and experiences in working through life’s problems is another way of making the good news receivable. 

People are far more interested in applied philosophy than in theoretical conjecturing. Telling someone how we pray, for example, is usually more interesting to them that a discourse why everyone should pray or what prayer is, and so on. If we can talk about our personal experiences in living spiritual life, other people will be more inclined to listen to us. 

But after all is said about preaching the Good News, we must reflect the Good News to others. If our life in Christ does not produce peace, joy, kindness in our character, then why should an already-miserable humanity be interested in us?

Therefore before we attempt to evangelize or be “fishers of men,” we must, first of all, be Good News to people. 

Note: Taken from Fr. Bel San Luis SVD, WORD ALIVE, Manila, Philippines: LOGOS Publications, Inc., 1994, pages 24-26.

35 posted on 02/10/2013 3:18:41 PM PST by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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