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1 posted on 02/03/2013 8:38:25 PM PST by Salvation
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3 posted on 02/03/2013 8:44:42 PM PST by Salvation ("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
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To: Salvation
  English: Douay-Rheims Latin: Vulgata Clementina Greek NT: Byzantine/Majority Text (2000)
  Mark 5
1 AND they came over the strait of the sea into the country of the Gerasens. Et venerunt trans fretum maris in regionem Gerasenorum. και ηλθον εις το περαν της θαλασσης εις την χωραν των γαδαρηνων
2 And as he went out of the ship, immediately there met him out of the monuments a man with an unclean spirit, Et exeunti ei de navi, statim occurrit de monumentis homo in spiritu immundo, και εξελθοντι αυτω εκ του πλοιου ευθεως απηντησεν αυτω εκ των μνημειων ανθρωπος εν πνευματι ακαθαρτω
3 Who had his dwelling in the tombs, and no man now could bind him, not even with chains. qui domicilium habebat in monumentis, et neque catenis jam quisquam poterat eum ligare : ος την κατοικησιν ειχεν εν τοις μνημασιν και ουτε αλυσεσιν ουδεις εδυνατο αυτον δησαι
4 For having been often bound with fetters and chains, he had burst the chains, and broken the fetters in pieces, and no one could tame him. quoniam sæpe compedibus et catenis vinctus, dirupisset catenas, et compedes comminuisset, et nemo poterat eum domare : δια το αυτον πολλακις πεδαις και αλυσεσιν δεδεσθαι και διεσπασθαι υπ αυτου τας αλυσεις και τας πεδας συντετριφθαι και ουδεις αυτον ισχυεν δαμασαι
5 And he was always day and night in the monuments and in the mountains, crying and cutting himself with stones. et semper die ac nocte in monumentis, et in montibus erat, clamans, et concidens se lapidibus. και δια παντος νυκτος και ημερας εν τοις ορεσιν και εν τοις μνημασιν ην κραζων και κατακοπτων εαυτον λιθοις
6 And seeing Jesus afar off, he ran and adored him. Videns autem Jesum a longe, cucurrit, et adoravit eum : ιδων δε τον ιησουν απο μακροθεν εδραμεν και προσεκυνησεν αυτω
7 And crying with a loud voice, he said: What have I to do with thee, Jesus the Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God that thou torment me not. et clamans voce magna dixit : Quid mihi et tibi, Jesu Fili Dei altissimi ? adjuro te per Deum, ne me torqueas. και κραξας φωνη μεγαλη ειπεν τι εμοι και σοι ιησου υιε του θεου του υψιστου ορκιζω σε τον θεον μη με βασανισης
8 For he said unto him: Go out of the man, thou unclean spirit. Dicebat enim illi : Exi spiritus immunde ab homine. ελεγεν γαρ αυτω εξελθε το πνευμα το ακαθαρτον εκ του ανθρωπου
9 And he asked him: What is thy name? And he saith to him: My name is Legion, for we are many. Et interrogabat eum : Quod tibi nomen est ? Et dicit ei : Legio mihi nomen est, quia multi sumus. και επηρωτα αυτον τι σοι ονομα και απεκριθη λεγων λεγεων ονομα μοι οτι πολλοι εσμεν
10 And he besought him much, that he would not drive him away out of the country. Et deprecabatur eum multum, ne se expelleret extra regionem. και παρεκαλει αυτον πολλα ινα μη αυτους αποστειλη εξω της χωρας
11 And there was there near the mountain a great herd of swine, feeding. Erat autem ibi circa montem grex porcorum magnus, pascens. ην δε εκει προς τω ορει αγελη χοιρων μεγαλη βοσκομενη
12 And the spirits besought him, saying: Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them. Et deprecabantur eum spiritus, dicentes : Mitte nos in porcos ut in eos introëamus. και παρεκαλεσαν αυτον παντες οι δαιμονες λεγοντες πεμψον ημας εις τους χοιρους ινα εις αυτους εισελθωμεν
13 And Jesus immediately gave them leave. And the unclean spirits going out, entered into the swine: and the herd with great violence was carried headlong into the sea, being about two thousand, and were stifled in the sea. Et concessit eis statim Jesus. Et exeuntes spiritus immundi introierunt in porcos : et magno impetu grex præcipitatus est in mare ad duo millia, et suffocati sunt in mari. και επετρεψεν αυτοις ευθεως ο ιησους και εξελθοντα τα πνευματα τα ακαθαρτα εισηλθον εις τους χοιρους και ωρμησεν η αγελη κατα του κρημνου εις την θαλασσαν ησαν δε ως δισχιλιοι και επνιγοντο εν τη θαλασση
14 And they that fed them fled, and told it in the city and in the fields. And they went out to see what was done: Qui autem pascebant eos, fugerunt, et nuntiaverunt in civitatem et in agros. Et egressi sunt videre quid esset factum : οι δε βοσκοντες τους χοιρους εφυγον και ανηγγειλαν εις την πολιν και εις τους αγρους και εξηλθον ιδειν τι εστιν το γεγονος
15 And they came to Jesus, and they see him that was troubled with the devil, sitting, clothed, and well in his wits, and they were afraid. et veniunt ad Jesum : et vident illum qui a dæmonio vexabatur, sedentem, vestitum, et sanæ mentis, et timuerunt. και ερχονται προς τον ιησουν και θεωρουσιν τον δαιμονιζομενον καθημενον και ιματισμενον και σωφρονουντα τον εσχηκοτα τον λεγεωνα και εφοβηθησαν
16 And they that had seen it, told them, in what manner he had been dealt with who had the devil; and concerning the swine. Et narraverunt illis, qui viderant, qualiter factum esset ei qui dæmonium habuerat, et de porcis. διηγησαντο δε αυτοις οι ιδοντες πως εγενετο τω δαιμονιζομενω και περι των χοιρων
17 And they began to pray him that he would depart from their coasts. Et rogare cœperunt eum ut discederet de finibus eorum. και ηρξαντο παρακαλειν αυτον απελθειν απο των οριων αυτων
18 And when he went up into the ship, he that had been troubled with the devil, began to beseech him that he might be with him. Cumque ascenderet navim, cœpit illum deprecari, qui a dæmonio vexatus fuerat, ut esset cum illo, και εμβαντος αυτου εις το πλοιον παρεκαλει αυτον ο δαιμονισθεις ινα η μετ αυτου
19 And he admitted him not, but saith to him: Go into thy house to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had mercy on thee. et non admisit eum, sed ait illi : Vade in domum tuam ad tuos, et annuntia illis quanta tibi Dominus fecerit, et misertus sit tui. ο δε ιησους ουκ αφηκεν αυτον αλλα λεγει αυτω υπαγε εις τον οικον σου προς τους σους και αναγγειλον αυτοις οσα σοι ο κυριος πεποιηκεν και ηλεησεν σε
20 And he went his way, and began to publish in Decapolis how great things Jesus had done for him: and all men wondered. Et abiit, et cœpit prædicare in Decapoli, quanta sibi fecisset Jesus : et omnes mirabantur. και απηλθεν και ηρξατο κηρυσσειν εν τη δεκαπολει οσα εποιησεν αυτω ο ιησους και παντες εθαυμαζον

27 posted on 02/04/2013 5:43:05 PM PST by annalex (fear them not)
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